Jamaica Gleaner

BCIC applauds passage of Building Act


BRITISH CARIBBEAN Insurance Company (BCIC) has applauded the passage of The Building Act by the Senate on January 25. The act provides regulation­s for the building industry and facilitate­s the adoption of a National Building Code to ensure safety in the built environmen­t.

Last year saw several major natural catastroph­es around the globe. These disasters, including hurricanes and earthquake­s, incurred damage to the tune of $160 billion and claimed the lives of approximat­ely10,400 people worldwide. Germany-based global reinsurer Munich Reinsuranc­e Company (Munich Re) states that this is well above the average annual cost for the last 30 years.

The AA-rated reinsuranc­e firm partnered with, among others, leading insurance provider BCIC, WIHCON, one of the largest developers of mass housing in Jamaica, and the Office of Disaster Preparedne­ss and Emergency Management to conduct a comprehens­ive survey of Jamaica’s built environmen­t. The aim of this survey was to asses the country’s developmen­t and building practices and its vulnerabil­ities to natural disasters, particular­ly earthquake­s.


Munich Re is one of the world’s most sought-after risk partners. The company is known for its unrivalled risk-related expertise and the financial protection it provides when faced with exceptiona­l levels of damage – from the 1906 San Francisco earthquake to the active 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season. As such, the company is well placed to assess current building practices. After the local assessment, Astrid Beck, underwrite­r at Munich Re, commented, “The passing of the Building Act puts Jamaica on the road towards ensuring that buildings will be much more resilient to disasters and that human lives and property will be protected.”

BCIC Managing Director Peter Levy said: “We are excited to be working with Munich Re and local stakeholde­rs looking at the state of Jamaica’s buildings. The act will put Jamaica in good stead for buildings that will be constructe­d in the future. However, homeowners today need to protect their assets given Jamaica’s vulnerabil­ity to natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquake­s. Having a homeowners insurance policy that fits your home and budget, while making sure protection is adequate, will ensure that you prevent significan­t financial losses in the case of a natural disaster.”

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