Jamaica Gleaner

Uruguay betting on exports of medical marijuana

- – AP

WHEN HE was younger, the only thing that Enrique Morales knew about marijuana was that you smoked it to get high.

Today, the former driver for a dairy company is a horticultu­rist on a cannabis plantation about 130 kilometres (80 miles) west of the Uruguayan capital of Montevideo and he says drops of marijuana oil have been key to treating his mother’s osteoarthr­itis.

“My perception has now changed. It is a plant that has a lot of properties!” he said.

The company that owns the plantation, Fotmer SA, is now part of a flourishin­g and growing medical cannabis industry in Uruguay.

The country got a head start on competitor­s in December 2013 when it became the first in the world to regulate the cannabis market from growing to purchase, a move that has brought a wave of investment.

For Uruguayan citizens or legal residents over 18 years old, the law allows the recreation­al use, personal cultivatio­n and sale in pharmacies of marijuana through a government-run permit system, and officials later legalised the use and export of medical marijuana to countries where it is legal.

No large scale exports yet

No company has yet begun large-scale export operations, but many say selling medical cannabis oil beyond the local market of 3.3 million inhabitant­s is key to staying ahead of the tide and transformi­ng Uruguay into a medical cannabis leader along with the Netherland­s, Canada and Israel.

“The Latin American market is poorly supplied and is growing,” said Chuck Smith, chief operating officer of Denver, Colorado-based Dixie Brands, which recently formed a partnershi­p with Khiron Life Sciences, a Toronto company that has agreed to acquire Dormul SA, which has a Uruguayan licence to produce medical cannabis.

“Uruguay is taking a leadership position in growing high-CBD, high-value hemp products. So we see that as a great opportunit­y from a supply chain perspectiv­e,” he said, referring to the non-psychoacti­ve cannabidio­ls that are used in medical products.

Khiron has said it should be able to export medical marijuana from Uruguay to southern Brazil under regulation­s of the Mercosur trade bloc, marking a milestone for Uruguayan marijuana companies focused on exports.

Fotmer, based in the small town of Nueva Helvecia, also currently employs 80 people and is investing US$7 million in laboratori­es and 10 tons of crops that it hopes to ship to countries, including Germany and Canada, which is struggling to overcome supply shortages in its cannabis market.

Fotmer’s 35,000 marijuana plants are sheltered in 18 large greenhouse­s measuring 12.5 metres by 100 metres (41 feet by 328 feet), where workers such as Morales change into special clothing, wash their hands with alcohol and wear gloves and surgical masks to avoid any contaminat­ion.

Helena Gonzalez, head of quality control, research and developmen­t for Fotmer, said the precaution­s are important in producing a quality product that can be used in medical research into the effects of cannabis products.

“Aiding that research is another of our objectives,” she said.

The first crop of prized flowers will be harvested for their cannabis oil in March.

The oil containing THC and CBD will be extracted in its labs to eventually manufactur­e pills, creams, ointments, patches and other treatments for cases of epilepsy and chronic pain, among other ills.

Competitio­n on the way

Competitio­n is arriving as well. In December, Uruguayan President Tabare Vazquez inaugurate­d a US$12-million laboratory owned by Canada’s Internatio­nal Cannabis Corp, which aims to produce and export medicine from hemp, a variety of cannabis that contains CBDs but has no psychoacti­ve effects.

Despite the momentum, experts say there is one key problem: Countries including Ecuador, Cuba, Panama, El Salvador and Guatemala continue to prohibit both the recreation­al and medicinal use of marijuana, and exports of cannabis products are subject to a complex web of internatio­nal regulation­s that is still being developed.

Marcos Baudean, a member of Monitor Cannabis at the University of the Republic of Uruguay, says another difficulty is that the South American country is competing for market share. He said cannabis exports give the country a chance to expand beyond its traditiona­l exports of raw materials into more sophistica­ted products involving science and biology.

Diego Olivera, head of Uruguay’s National Drug Secretaria­t, said Uruguay’s comprehens­ive cannabis law, along with its strong rule of law and transparen­t institutio­ns, gives it a head start.

“Uruguay today has a dynamism in the cannabis industry that is very difficult to find in other sectors,” he said.

 ??  ?? Employees prune marijuana plants at a Fotmer SA greenhouse in Nueva Helvecia, Uruguay, on Wednesday, January 30, 2019.
Employees prune marijuana plants at a Fotmer SA greenhouse in Nueva Helvecia, Uruguay, on Wednesday, January 30, 2019.
 ?? AP ?? An employee of Fotmer SA, an enterprise that produces cannabis for medical use, writes down observatio­ns inside a greenhouse in Montevideo, Uruguay, on Tuesday, January 29, 2019.
AP An employee of Fotmer SA, an enterprise that produces cannabis for medical use, writes down observatio­ns inside a greenhouse in Montevideo, Uruguay, on Tuesday, January 29, 2019.

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