Jamaica Gleaner

Minister Bartlett honoured


IT CAME as no surprise when Lachu Ramchandan­i and Danny Galani, owner of Landmark Plaza and Mainland China Restaurant, teamed up to honour Minister, Edmund Bartlett, CD, MP – aptly named ‘World’s Best Tourism Minister’ – in recognitio­n of his outstandin­g contributi­on to tourism.

They have both put on several functions together to show their appreciati­on to numerous persons in recognitio­n of their contributi­on to society such as a birthday party for Minister Delroy Chuck to celebrate his 68th birthday; a luncheon for India’s High Commission­er, Mr Sevela Naik; and several others.

Ramchandan­i wants Jamaica, especially the business community, to lend its support and show its appreciati­on for the hard working stalwarts of the country.


The brunch was held on Sunday, February 3, and was well attended by government ministers, custodees from St Ann and St James, mayors, VIPs, and members of the private sector and the business community.

Among the special guests were Minister of Foreign Affairs Kamina Johnson Smith (representi­ng the prime minister); Custos Steadman Fuller (representi­ng the governor general) and Mrs Fuller; DPP Paula Llewelyn; Ruel Reid; Pearnel Charles Jr Delroy Chuck; AG Marlene Malahoo-Forte; Senator Aubyn Hill; Jon Lynch (chairman, JTB); Godfrey Dyer (chairman, TEF); Chris Issa (Spanish Court); Frank Sondern (RIU Montego Bay); Louis Campbell (Decameron); Enrico Pezzoli (Grand Palladium); ambassador­s from Spain, Nigeria, Venezuela, and South Africa; Oliver Townsend (Knutsford Express); and Fred Smith (Tropical Tours).

The entire delegation enjoyed a wide variety of Indian food along with local curry goat, tandoori chicken, spicy fish, naan, jumbo shrimps, and a wide variety of wine and other beverages.

The brunch was a success and the hosts would like to thank everyone that took time out to celebrate with the minister and to wish him all the best in all his future endeavours.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? DPP Paula Llewelyn and Danny Galani.
CONTRIBUTE­D DPP Paula Llewelyn and Danny Galani.
 ??  ?? BARTLETT

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