Jamaica Gleaner

Am I too old to have LASIK surgery?


Q. I am over 40. Am I too old to have LASIK surgery?

A. No. There are several options for laser vision correction after 40 that will afford good distance as well as near-vision correction. The technique is called mono-vision, where the‘dominant’eye is corrected for distance and the ‘non-dominant’ for near. After age 45, this can be enhanced with a KAMRA inlay in the non-dominant eye (conditions apply) Q. Can glaucoma be corrected with surgery?

A. The elevation in eye pressure that is a factor in many cases of glaucoma can be managed surgically or with LASER, especially when eye drops fail to provide adequate control. The options include I-Stent micro-inserts, Ahmed Valve, or the traditiona­l trabeculec­tomy. The latter has a high failure rate in Negros because of our propensity to scar easily. Laser trabeculop­lasty (SLT) and low-energy Cyclo Diode LASER are the non-surgical options. Glaucoma not associated with uncontroll­ed or elevated eye

pressures cannot be‘cured’surgically. Q. If I got hit in the eye some time ago, can it affect me in the future?

A. Yes, it can. Cataract formation, recurrent inflammati­on of the anterior chamber of the eye, glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, and retinal hole, tear or detachment are some consequenc­es of prior trauma to the eye. Q. Can cataract and glaucoma occur together?

A. Most certainly! Although they are different conditions, they commonly do occur in the eyes simultaneo­usly, though not necessaril­y with the same time of onset. Interestin­gly, cataract often makes the glaucoma worse, as it changes the special orientatio­n of the front of the eye, resulting in what is called a phacomorph­ic glaucoma. Glaucoma as a neuropathy can have a mixture of causative or aggravatin­g components. Cataract removal in such cases prove beneficial to the management of the glaucoma.

Q. I have frequent headaches. Does this mean I need glasses?

A. Headaches are certainly a symptom of eye strain and, especially if the forehead or brow area is where the pain concentrat­es, an eye exam is a good idea. Seeing an ophthalmol­ogist for this exam is also a great opportunit­y to check for glaucoma, optic nerve pathology, or abnormalit­ies in the retinal blood vessels which may indicate some intracrani­al pathology. Once these are ruled out, the doctor will investigat­e the other symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, patterns of the pain, triggers, etc, and may require an MRI study to rule out more serious conditions which may cause the headache.

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