Jamaica Gleaner

Nicaragua: Democracy’s agony

- María Elvira Domínguez and Roberto Rock/Guest Columnists [This editorial is published in news media across the Americas by agreement at the request of IAPA]

NEAR THE first anniversar­y of Nicaragua’s popular uprising that was strangled in blood by the government of Daniel Ortega, repression continues rampant, while dialogue with the Organizati­on of American States and the Vatican is in limbo.

Democracy agonises in the ‘Land of Lakes and Volcanoes’, and independen­t journalism is on the road to extinction along with it.

This week at its semi-annual meeting, the Inter American Press Associatio­n (IAPA) demanded from Cartagena, Colombia, that the Managua-based government immediatel­y release reporters Miguel Mora and Lucia Pineda, prisoners since last December without due process and suffering inhuman treatment, according to testimony by European parliament­arians.

Mora’s case is particular­ly troubling. The director of the now-shuttered Canal 100 per cent Noticias of Managua was honoured with IAPA’s Grand Prize for Freedom of the Press last October in Salta, Argentina, just weeks before his arrest. IAPA’s award was given in the name of independen­t journalism in Nicaragua.

Pineda is the lone female journalist jailed in the entire Western Hemisphere.

IAPA also refuses to accept impunity regarding the murder last year of journalist Angel Gahona, the ‘investigat­ion’ of which was staged to cover up those responsibl­e. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) sanctioned measures to protect Gahona’s wife after she received threats for denouncing that impunity.

Since April 2018, more than 700 incidents of aggression against reporters in Nicaragua have been registered, most of them reportedly committed by the National Police, mobs, and armed civilians in support of Ortega and his wife, Rosario Murillo. Such persecutio­n has forced 66 journalist­s to seek refuge in exile as corroborat­ed to IAPA by the United Nations High Commission­er of Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet.


Last Saturday, just hours after the first talks were announced between the government and the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, an Ortega sympathise­r attacked opposition demonstrat­ors, wounding three by gunfire. On Monday, the government failed to comply with an agreement that printing supplies for newspapers La Prensa and El Nuevo Diario be released from Customs.

It’s clear that Nicaragua’s government is using the promise of dialogue as a delaying tactic without conceding a single inch of space to its political opposition. It insists that crimes committed since April 2018 be investigat­ed by the police, in reality, one of the aggressors; or by the National Assembly, which is totally controlled by representa­tives of Ortega and his wife.

The regime rejects the inclusion of the IACHR and United Nations as guarantors of peace accords. Both groups were expelled from Nicaragua last year after accusing government forces of crimes against humanity.

In light of this situation, when options to rescue democracy are so few, the internatio­nal community is obliged to support Nicaragua’s people which have sacrificed so much for liberation.

María Elvira Domínguez is president of the Inter American Press Associatio­n (IAPA) and publisher of ‘El País,’ Cali, Colombia; and Roberto Rock is president of the Freedom of the Press and Informatio­n Committee, IAPA, and director of ‘La Silla Rota’, Mexico City. Email feedback to columns@gleanerjm.com.

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