Jamaica Gleaner

This year, keep the celebratio­n going


MOTHER’S DAY is the one day each year that our children, whether by birth or de facto, are bound by an internatio­nally moral clause of parenting to treat mothers as the queens they truly are.

However, like all good things, this, too, comes to an end once such obligation­s are fulfilled and mothers worldwide dutifully smile and hug at receiving

another set of gifts and promises of good behavior for the rest of the year.

While Mother’s Day ends on May 12 at 12 a.m., being a mother is a never-ending, fulfilling, but tiring task. Forget about having it all. The 21st-century mom requires us to do it all and seems, at times, to get the formula right, until she breaks down in a mountain of stress higher than the over-flowing two week laundry basket she has repeatedly told the family members to take care of.

So how can you keep the celebratio­n of Mother’s Day going?

Since you’re a mom all the time, shouldn’t you be celebrated all the time? The conundrum is trying to convince your family, particular­ly your offspring, to even acknowledg­e this logic, so we suggest that you (like most things you do) take matters into your own hands and celebrate your awesomenes­s every day. How? By making every day count. Put a few or all of these tips to the test in ensuring you celebrate you – all the time:


That’s right! A recent Japanese study found that laughing can directly alleviate anxiety and might aid in keeping you looking younger. So how do you do that when Andy just washed the cat in purple paint in honour of Prince, or Sarah melted another cup in the microwave? Find your happy place. Take a step back and go through your memory bank of much happier times when the two currently annoying kids were cute-asbuttons babies; the day you got married; the day you first ate chocolate-covered strawberri­es. Whatever turns the frown upside down – go there.


We’re not advocating narcissism. We’re promoting a healthy dose of self-love. Love yourself enough to start taking care of you. One of the best ways to start is by taking a close look at what goes in your body. Think about it. You ensure that your kids and husband are fed well, but you totally neglect eating well yourself. Up your fruit and vegetable intake; drink more water; make regular visits to your doctor; and lay off the sweet snacks. Also, treat yourself now and again to something that will make you happy, like new shoes, a movie, new book or make-up.


Yes, we are aware of the myriad things you have to do. But there’s always time for exercise. Don’t believe us? OK, try this – while brushing your teeth, do 15 squats before rinsing; 10 ab exercises before you get out of bed; push the stroller around the neighbourh­ood for 30 minutes. Are you following us? Your daily tasks can serve as much more than chores, so forget the excuses and find other uses for your mop!


After working all day, stopping at the supermarke­t before picking up the three kids from three separate locations, the last thing you want to do is cook. But, you may still have to since you are stuck with three hungry mini-you and a husband. Save your sanity by taking some time on the weekend to cut up and freeze produce. You can season and parcel meats in portion sizes to make meal preparatio­n much easier. By doing so, you might also find it easier to convince dad to cook.


So many times mothers become engrossed in being an awesome parent that they forget how to be awesome women. Take time each week to reconnect with yourself – remember what your goals are as an individual and create new ones that will lead to you becoming better; reconnect with friends, make the time to talk and spend time with friends who make you laugh and return, if just for a moment, to a lesser stressed you; reconnect with your partner, find new ways of having fun with your partner

sans the kids. It doesn’t have to be an official date night. Simply watching a movie at home together or talking about the things you love about him will make you want to remain with him – at least for one more day.


And do nothing. Trust us, we know there are times you want to just make a list of nothing and complete it. Go right ahead. Schedule time to close your door, turn the radio on, light a few scented candles, close your eyes and think about nothing. Of course, knowing mothers and their tendencies to over-compensate, you might not last in this moment for too long, but at least you’ll feel like you found time for you, and that’s what matters.

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