Jamaica Gleaner

Vernamfiel­d/May Pen better option than Bernard Lodge


IT IS more than three months since Prime Minister Andrew Holness announced that he had ordered a review of the Bernard Lodge project – his plan to develop a city of 17,000 homes, factories, commercial buildings and recreation­al facilities on Jamaica’s best agricultur­al lands. This newspaper has little confidence in the integrity of the exercise.

It is not only that almost nothing has been heard from the Government on the matter since Mr Holness’ April announceme­nt, but there has been a decided absence of transparen­cy in the process.

For instance, no one knows, except, perhaps, people in the Government, the terms of reference of the review, or if the review group includes independen­t profession­als, which is to say, persons who are not in the employ of the Government or directly connected to the project.

For that matter, we don’t know whether it may well be that the PM’s idea of a review has received exaggerate­d coverage, when he really meant that he wanted an assurance from his officials that all was on track.

Jamaicans should know. This matter is important. Nearly 5,000 acres of land on which the proposed city is to be built is part of a 29,000-acre estate that used to be a major sugar plantation. Sugar production is on life support in Jamaica. The industry can’t compete in global markets. That, however, doesn’t mean that former sugar lands, including Bernard Lodge’s, are not good for any other form of agricultur­e.

In fact, even the Government’s own analysis, in the master plan for the Bernard Lodge vanity city, concedes that the soil upon which it is to be built is the best in Jamaica. The alluvial soils of the St Catherine plain, the report notes, varies “in texture from sand and loam to clay loams and are, in general, the most fertile soils in the island and regarded as Class 1 soils”.

Yet, if all goes to plan, vast swathes of area will be covered in concrete for houses, shops, factories, etc,

and lost to agricultur­e. This encroachme­nt on prime agricultur­al lands isn’t new. Even at the same Bernard Lodge estate, hundreds of acres have already been put under, or earmarked, for real estate. The situation is the same elsewhere in Jamaica.

Indeed, of the 37 per cent of Jamaica’s land space deemed arable and capable of sustaining crops, only 19.5 per cent is now available for that endeavour; most of the reduction, agricultur­al specialist­s say, having happened in the last 50 years. The Bernard Lodge city further reduces that ratio, while lending the psychology of agricultur­e as peripheral to national developmen­t and the pursuit of food security, perhaps telegraphi­ng that the reduction of the country’s US$900-million food import bill is not central to the administra­tion’s policy agenda, despite what it says.


Vanity aside, there are other more logistical­ly and socially viable venues for developmen­t than Bernard Lodge. The Government already has a plan for the developmen­t of the old US Air Force base at Vernamfiel­d, Clarendon, as an aerotropol­is as part of a wider initiative to transform Jamaica into a global logistics hub. Vernamfiel­d retains some of the basic infrastruc­ture – an extendable 6,000 feet of runway.

Vernamfiel­d, too, is nearby the Clarendon parish capital of May Pen, a town that displays all the elements of urban decay, including gritty buildings, crumbling infrastruc­ture, and high levels of crime. It would make more sense to integrate the redevelopm­ent of May Pen into the Vernamfiel­d Project, and steer the money to be spent on Bernard Lodge project to this initiative. In the same go, Mr Holness would tackle urban renewal, the problem of crime, and apply the brakes to a problem he himself highlighte­d – abandoning towns and cities for new housing developmen­ts, which often means costly infrastruc­ture and longer travels.

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