Jamaica Gleaner

Fix up!

Mortgage sales head says landscapin­g increases the value of one’s property


REPAINTING YOUR home, installing granite or marble countertop­s, or upgrading a bathroom are some of the ways homeowners can add value to their property.

However, Petal James, head of mortgage sales at JN Bank, says many homeowners sometimes overlook having a well-maintained garden with trees and shrubs, which also helps to increase property value.

“A garden beautifies a home and makes it look more appealing. When someone is purchasing a house, he or she looks at everything. What’s on the outside of house is the first thing that a purchaser or valuator will see, therefore, a well-maintained landscape helps to create that first impression of a home that is well taken care of. A house with a nice landscape is a stark contrast to a house without one,” James stressed.

She further elaborated that if all homeowners in a community establishe­d a garden, then it would not only improve the aesthetic appeal of their respective houses, but also the overall appearance of the community.

Errol Moore, quality director of VB Williams Realty, agrees with James.

“The aesthetics and curb appeal naturally affect the property value in a positive way,” he concurred.

He said that some homeowners go to the extent of adding a lawn, decorative interlocki­ng brick walkways, lighting, water features, gazebos, and lawn furniture.

“All these inputs involve money and careful planning, which will bring value to the home,” he added.

Beyond the aesthetic appeal, plants and shrubs serve other useful purposes for homeowners as Locksley Waites Snr,

agronomist for the National Fruit Tree Crop Programme at the Rural Agricultur­al Developmen­t Authority, points out.

“Ornamental plants such as poorman’s orchids, yellow poui, and bottle brush provide shade thus helping to keep the house and yard cool. Plant roots hold the soil together to prevent soil erosion and help to increase water infiltrati­on in the soil. Plants such as bougainvil­lea, durranta gold, Texas sage, aralia, and croton, can be used as hedges to border property. Ornamental­s that have thorns such as bougainvil­lea, agarve, and opuntiacan be used to keep out animals and humans.”


Waites Snr further added that having fruit trees would become a source of income to homeowners, a point to which Colin Burton, a retired agricultur­ist from Portmore, St Catherine, readily relates to. Anaseberry tree growing in his yard has turned out to be a major income earner for him over the past five years.

“I make more than $40,000 every year selling naseberrie­s, part of which I use to pay my property tax annually,” Burton disclosed.

“When the tree started to bear, I gave the fruits away and a lot went to waste. However, when I discovered how much they were being sold for in the supermarke­t, I decided to start selling some of them.”

Burton said the tree produces two crops annually and that the only care he provides occasional watering.

Setting up a garden requires careful thought such as the types of plants that would be used.

Sheldon Jackson, managing director of Exceptiona­l Maintenanc­e, a Kingston-based landscapin­g company, advises that a good garden starts with having quality soil. He further outlined five basic gardening tips for homeowners who are starting a garden or who already have an establishe­d one:

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Petal James
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