Jamaica Gleaner

Reformatio­n begins with changing our diet

- Steve Lyston Steve Lyston is a biblical economics consultant and author of several books, including ‘End Time Finance’ and ‘The New Millionair­e’.

THE SPIRITUAL well-being of a nation is very important. It is more important than building the economy. In fact, you can’t have a strong economy without it. There has to be collaborat­ion among government, the family and the ‘government of God’ to transform and reform the nation.

Althugh most countries focus on one area of man’s well-being, man is the composite of three parts: body, soul and spirit. When man neglects the spiritual aspect, then man begins to die spirituall­y and morally. It means, then, that man is no longer able to discern right from wrong and begins to create his own view, which sets him on the journey towards spiritual death. At that point, he is no longer effective and has no insight.


When a person is ill, the first thing their physician looks at is what the person is ingesting. What are they eating that is triggering the problem? With that known, then the doctor can prescribe a solution for the problem. Many of our health problems today start with what we eat. Similarly, when there is problem within a nation, the first thing we must focus on is the nation’s diet. What is the nation ‘eating’ or taking into its system that is causing the problem? In this case, it is not the food, but rather everything else – doctrines, practices, cultures, and the sources of this diet, for example, social media, school, mainstream media, and so on.


The quickest way to indoctrina­te and defile is through listening. It started in the Garden of Eden, where everything was provided. But both Adam and Eve were poisoned by the informatio­n they received, which caused them to lose dominion. In 2 Kings 4:40– 41, one of Elisha’s students was poisoned and had the potential to poison others. He had to use flour, which symbolises the undiluted word of God, to correct any form of contaminat­ion. We also see a beautiful city that, despite its beauty, was barren. Barrenness symbolises crime, violence, lack and poverty. So, the source of the problem was found in the city’s water supply. Water symbolises life and also the Holy Spirit. In this instance, the very thing to sustain life had been contaminat­ed.


Today, our young people have been given an all-you-can-eat buffet of toxins and poisons, and we are reaping the results.

Doctrines make or break a nation. The informatio­n one feeds on is the key to their developmen­t and decision-making. What you feed on can result in healthy growth. Even the quality of water impacts our health.

The Bible speaks about many kinds of foods – swine food, sinner’s food, angel food, saint food, and even refers to Jesus being food (John 6: 55 –59). Lies also can become food – ideas as well as any other form of informatio­n – and all of these affect our mental, spiritual, and emotional health, individual­ly and as a nation.

Every time God is going to bring change to a nation going through adversity, he first sends grain, corn, wine and oil (Joel 2: 19). All of these symbolise food. What God also does, when a nation is going through turmoil, is raise up leaders who will rebuild the altars that were broken down. These men, such as Nehemiah, Ezra (Ezra 7, the Book of Daniel), who were gifted scribes and administra­tors who had the support of the king (prime ministers, president) and would teach the people and bring them back to the truth.


Over the years, nations have neglected the spiritual aspect of their existence and have ignored the nation’s spiritual well-being and focused solely or mainly on everything else. So, those who are truly called to feed the people have walked away from the Church, the schools, the justice system, and all major areas of the society. (Ezra 7: 24 – 25)

In order to bring reformatio­n and restore the society to good health, we must detox our nation of the poisons that have entered, start to set new people in position to begin feeding our people with healthy ‘food’. Then we will see a reduction in crime and the emregence of a healthy society.

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