Jamaica Gleaner


- Garth A. Rattray is a medical doctor with a family practice. Email feedback to columns@gleanerjm. com and garthrattr­ay@gmail.com.

THE YULETIDE season is upon us once again. Every year it comes around faster than the year before. Some people love the Yuletide season because this is when they earn a living. Others love it because they look forward to the church services and events that bring people of like mind together. Some love it for the family and social gatherings, and the sharing of gifts. Others love it for the time away from stress and work; it’s a chance to catch their breath before the coming of the new year.

Some people ignore and even bash the season because it began as a pagan holiday but was highjacked by Christendo­m as a convenienc­e in order to celebrate the birth of Jesus (the Christ). Others hate it because they see it as hypocrisy. They believe that we should show love and kindness to everyone, all the time and not reserve them for Christmas. Others despise it because it has become a commercial entity that even recruited a large imaginary elf to carry gifts to children around the globe within a few hours. Now Santa’s claws are in everything.

Then there are people who are very saddened, or even depressed by the Yule season for several reasons. They may have lost a loved one or be separated from loved ones during this time. They may have had a romantic disappoint­ment during the season. They may be unable to celebrate due to ill health. Many are not able to fully participat­e or benefit because they are poor or without financial resources (disposable income) to spend as they would like to. Yuletide always arrives like a powerful train.

The Yule Train comes only once each year

It should be filled with love and cheer

Loaded with kindness in every car Travelling through lands both near and far.

It rushes in, from out of the blue But it benefits only a relative few It’s become a powerhouse with commercial pedigree Extracting money from you and me.

Gone are the days of worship and praise

Now they’re relegated to a minor phase

It’s parties and drinking and dancing and such

About the Saviour, they don’t care much.

Love and thanksgivi­ng are left behind

It’s a tedious search those things to find

Hustle and bustle are the order of the day

You can’t escape the rush, try as you may.

From small to large businesses, you will view

Pickpocket­s and gunmen and scammers, too

All want to ‘eat a food’ at this time Whether by begging, selling or committing crime.

The stores are teeming with people, but you see

Nothing is being given away, nothing is for free

The spending frenzy peaks this time of the year

To pay their bills, people will wait without a care.

Traffic piles up from shore to hill We can’t get anywhere, everything stands still

Pushing and shoving and boring and more

The rampant indiscipli­ne cuts to the core.

Where’s the Christmas spirit, so frequently vaunted?

It’s dampened, suppressed and heavily daunted

By the spectre of crime that’s everywhere

We try to celebrate but there’s always fear.

There are people who are longing to eat

Some of the goodies, a Christmas treat No gifts can they give, and none to receive

No fun, no good times, all they do is grieve.

The Yule Train goes by them, mocking their pain

It jerks, groans and lurches under the strain

Of a facade of prosperity, happiness and glee

To make great memories for you and for me.

Oh for a train that comes by every day

To give to the poor and with them stay

For hours on end and to all impart Kindness and true love to everyone’s heart.

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Garth Rattray

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