Jamaica Gleaner

What are we really celebratin­g?


THE EDITOR, Madam: CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIO­N has become such an annual sham that continues to exclude the very reason for its supposed intent: the celebratin­g of Jesus’ birth.

Notwithsta­nding the uncertaint­y of Jesus’birth and that He instructed no celebrator­y recall, except of His death (Luke 22:19), there is this heedless charge of self-gratificat­ion that seems to install pleasure and materialis­m into God. This swell of reckless glee and abandon distorts the very sober reason for His coming to Eart: to give His life as a ransom for many and for saving the world (John 3:16).

Sharing, giving, and having a good time are not at odds with Christian principles. In fact, love should be the cornerston­e of true Christiani­ty, and an appreciati­on for God’s gift of His Son should, no doubt, be an occasion of thanks.

However, when cheer and goodwill become an annual replay of gratitude, it often turns dry and hollow, even to the objects of our benevolenc­e.


Furthermor­e, Christ has already commanded that such appreciati­on be directed to the ransom that His life provides, which, no doubt, may be the reason His time of birth is so obscure, given that He had no intention of it being celebrated in the first place.

Jesus’ life here should be given the ultimate regard, since our own lives are indebted to His, but the focus of our appreciati­on may be better turned towards His final hours here on earth rather than to a blithe and celebrator­y time of an imagined time of birth.


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