Jamaica Gleaner

Building a future for Jamaica


ONE OF the first things I did upon arrival in Kingston as the British High Commission­er to Jamaica was to visit the Hillel Academy. I am a product of four different internatio­nal schools, and I owe a great deal to teachers, administra­tors, and my fellow students who gave me the firm foundation­s I needed for life as an adult. I truly understand the value of an excellent school like Hillel.

As I walked around Hillel Academy, I saw the familiar sight of students from different background­s interactin­g with each other in the common pursuit of academic developmen­t and the acquisitio­n of skills. The classrooms have a conducive learning environmen­t that can hold the interests of the very youngest pupil as well as those about to set forth into the world of university education.

Teachers from both Jamaica and abroad impressed me with their clear sense of mission and real enthusiasm for their chosen profession. I am sure that in years to come, those who have attended Hillel will recall from time to time, the critical impact a teacher had on them when they needed inspiratio­n and guidance.

Hillel is also about building a future for Jamaica. Parents in Jamaica know that their investment in the education and well-being of their children will put them in a firm position to contribute to the developmen­t of Jamaica. It is also important for this country to connect with the wider world. Business people, internatio­nal government officials, and experts in areas of vital need can come to Jamaica more willingly if they know that they can bring their families with them.

Fifty years is a significan­t landmark, and I congratula­te everyone who has helped to make Hillel Academy what it is today.


British High Commission­er to Jamaica.

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