Jamaica Gleaner

Slandering religion with bogus ‘facts’

- Clinton Chisholm GUEST COLUMNIST ■ Email feedback to columns@ gleanerjm.com.

“Religion is the greatest source of evil in the world. More wars have been fought and more blood has been shed in the name of God than for any other cause.” (Many sceptics, Christophe­r Hitchens, Sam Harris, et al)

IF YOU are a Christian and heard/read the quoted statement above, you might have felt as embarrasse­d as I did when I first came across it quite a while back.

If you are not particular­ly sympatheti­c to religion in general and Christiani­ty in particular, you may have treasured or used the statement as an irrefutabl­e silencer for religionis­ts who dare to invade your cerebral higher sphere with their religious nonsense.

Well, years ago, I stumbled on a book by a Christian scholar that argued that a careful check of the Guinness Book of

World Records raised serious doubts about the accuracy of the statement.

I recently finished reading the justreleas­ed 10th anniversar­y edition of a mind-stimulatin­g book by Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason, called

Tactics. Near the end of this diamond-mine of a book, Koukl deals a three-fold slap to the statement.

First, Koukl raises the logical question, ‘so what?’ re the statement. Even if the statement is true, Koukl urges, it is not clear what exactly follows logically from that about religion. The atrocities done by Christians are neither justified by the Bible nor are they caused by adherence to the teachings of Jesus.

An aside, while walking to school (Cornwall College) one morning, ages ago, two friends walking with me got into a ‘cass-cass’, and when one of them was roundly traced off and silenced, in a drowning-man effort, he limply blurted out “Gu weh, gu weh, yu eat breadfruit”. No one said it, but our raucous laughter implied it, “So what?” Eediat breadfruit retort from my schoolmate.


Beyond the ‘so what’ slap, though, Koukl slaps harder, thus: “In their massive, three-volume Encycloped­ia of Wars, researcher­s Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod show that of the 1,763 wars they chronicle over the last five millennia, only 123 – less than seven per cent – were motivated by religion. And religion played no part in the two greatest military conflagrat­ions in history – World War I, with 16.5 million dead, and World

War II, with 60 to 80 million perishing.” (P. 214).

Koukl’s final slap on this same

page is this: “Grab an older copy of the Guinness Book of World Records and turn to the category ‘Judicial’ subheading ‘Crimes: Mass Killings’. You’ll find that carnage of unimaginab­le proportion­s resulted not from religion, but from institutio­nalised atheism … .”

And yet, as Koukl points out, atheists Christophe­r Hitchens in God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything and Sam Harris in The End of Faith: Religion, Terror and the Future of Reason trade on this myth re religion. Is this a case of indictable ignorance on the part of these two very educated atheists?

In my recent book, A Controvers­ial Clergyman: Provocativ­e Newspaper Articles to Foster Critical Thinking,

I chided logically the central thesis of Hitchens’ book, as hinted in the title’s philosophi­cally undifferen­tiated ‘Everything’.

Bogus facts may impress as a sound bite for the ignorant but lack intellectu­al impact as a serious criticism!

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