Jamaica Gleaner

Guyana finance minister files lawsuit against newspaper


GEORGETOWN (CMC): FINANCE MINISTER Winston Jordan has filed a lawsuit against the Kaieteur News and its editor Adam Harris, claiming he had been libelled by a story carried by the newspaper earlier this year.

Jordan is seeking damages of more than GUY$50 million after the newspaper published a letter on October 18 this year under the caption ‘Terminate a monster in its shell or it will come back to haunt you’.

In the lawsuit, Jordan is claiming that the letter portrayed him as “corrupt, immoral and was capable of corruptly influencin­g and/or affecting and did so corruptly influence or affect a decision to terminate a contract between a Trinidad-based company and Guyoil”.

In addition, the finance minister is seeking GUY$50 million in damages for libel allegedly committed by the online version of the newspaper on October 18.

Jordan also wants a mandatory injunction compelling the newspaper and the editor to remove forthwith the article from its online site.

According to the lawsuit, as a result of the headlines and articles and its disseminat­ion, online and offline, Jordan’s personal and profession­al reputation and standing has been irreparabl­y and severely damaged, lowered in the estimation of right-thinking members of society.

It said that Jordan has suffered and continues to suffer financial injury, constant distress, humiliatio­n, embarrassm­ent, indignity, pain and suffering.

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