Jamaica Gleaner

Indifferen­ce of the KSAMC


IT PAINS me to have to write to you again about the same subject, but the situation leaves me no choice. I refer to the continued operations of an industrial workshop in a residentia­l neighbourh­ood.

There are several things wrong with this operation being allowed to continue. We fully understand the importance of encouragin­g business ventures in an attempt to grow the economy, but not all such ventures are suitable in every location. That is why the Government prudently created zones to accommodat­e the needs of its citizens. So businesses of a certain nature that may prove to be a nuisance to householde­rs are accordingl­y zoned.

Spanish Town Road is especially suitable to operations of that nature where similar entities exist, as are other sections of the city. Why should the operators seek to perch themselves in a community where nothing like theirs exists? And if they do, why does the body that oversees zoning regulation­s not systematic­ally deal with this issue? Their incompeten­ce and/ or indifferen­ce reek of a disregard for the country’s laws and best interest.

In addition, most people are aware that the presence of one such operation in a community is the beginning of the demise of that community. It starts a trend that is all but impossible to reverse, so that as other similar operations rear their heads, householde­rs who can do better move to better locations.


This has been the fate of too many communitie­s in Kingston and St Andrew for people to scoff at the likelihood of its happening here too. This is such a pity, as these communitie­s boast big houses with massive yards, which would fetch a pretty penny were they located in other premium locations. Those premium locations had better watch out lest they fall victim to the same situation.

We are saddened by the indifferen­ce we feel coming from the office of the Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporatio­n with regard to its unwillingn­ess to have the owners of the metal fabricatio­n shop totally cease and desist operations.

We are also saddened as we watch the depreciati­on of the value of our properties. The saddest thing is that we have no redress. Such is the fate of citizens in this lawless country.


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