Jamaica Gleaner

Change of Government needed



AFTER LISTENING to the New Year’s messages of Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Opposition Leader Peter Phillips, I am left with the view that the best course to rescue this country is a change of government.

Mr Holness is a young-looking, terribly flawed, old school politician whose weaknesses are magnified by public relations. He is far removed from the new and improved prime minister that we were all expecting. He has failed to deliver on any major campaign promises and, in some instances, he is bold enough to make the same promises year after year.

Mr Holness has failed to deliver on his promises to curb crime and the rampant corruption in his government, which he has not addressed, and has compounded the situation of social disorder and general lawlessnes­s.

The social and financial situations of Jamaicans – especially the youth and the poor – are not improving. I read where the same survey that says unemployme­nt is falling has also said that poverty is increasing at a pace never seen before. Are persons working to get poor?

I think that Mr Holness should step aside and allow someone with experience, who is tried, tested and proven and who has successful­ly managed significan­t government ministries and has contribute­d to national developmen­t, to run the country.

Jamaica is at a delicate stage of its developmen­t and we need sure and steady hands. I am convinced that Peter David Phillips is our best bet.


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