Jamaica Gleaner

Improving decision-making under COVID-19

- Trevor Munroe GUEST COLUMNIST Professor Trevor Munroe, CD (Dphil), is head of the National Integrity Action. Email feedback to columns@gleanerjm.com.

WHEN DEALING with complex issues such as presented by the unpreceden­ted COVID-19 crisis, it is unavoidabl­e, even desirable, that highly qualified, technicall­y competent, very experience­d and completely patriotic people have disagreeme­nts.

On the question of declaring a state of emergency, Dr Lloyd Barnett (The

Observer, March 27) and Michael Hylton, QC, (The Sunday Observer, March 29) disagree. On the extent of testing for COVID-19 infection, Dr Alfred Dawes and Jamaica’s Chief Medical Officer Dr Jacquiline A. Bisasor-McKenzie have had somewhat differing views, as does the Government and the Opposition.

Now on the critical question of whether or not the Government should declare a national lockdown, once again, responsibl­e Jamaicans hold different opinions. In The Sunday Gleaner, April 19, Daniel Thwaites and Carolyn Cooper support a lockdown; Peter Melhado cautions against such a step being taken.

Such disagreeme­nts are natural and do not constitute a sign of hidden agendas nor that one or the other has ‘badmind’ or ‘don’t have any sense’, but rather that these are difficult questions.

In a context where decisions on parish or national lockdown may well amount to life-and-death matter for some, what is needed is not the wisdom of a few but ‘all hands on deck’, or more precisely, all sectors represente­d around the table.

In relation to the lockdown matter, Peter Malhedo put it this way: “At the very least, I sincerely hope the private sector has a seat at the table as these momentous decisions are being considered.” I couldn’t agree with Peter more. Note: not a seat prior to decisions or after decisions but “as these decisions are being considered” and taken.

May I also add, not just the private sector, but by the same reasoning the Opposition, the trade unions, the churches, and civil-society groups. There is no better way to avoid onesidedne­ss, nor to get the most well-informed input and the most effective outcomes during a crisis in the national interest.

Consider the following:

Were workers (or their representa­tives) from business process outsourcin­g (BPO) entities who were calling talk shows pointing to violations of COVID19 guidelines at many entities at the table, would the Alorica breaches and consequent coronaviru­s infections not have been discovered before the horse had gone through the gate?

Even now, as tighter regulation­s are being applied to the BPO entities, should not employee representa­tives be around the table, or at the minimum whistleblo­wers safeguarde­d under Jamaica’s Protected Disclosure­s Act? Instead, hitherto the opposite has been the case.

As the President General of the Bustamante Industrial Trade Union (BITU) Senator Kavan Gayle put it, “There has been no consultati­on between the management of the BPO outsourcin­g entities and any of the trade unions” (Sunday Observer, April 19, 2020, page 25). Clearly, whatever short-run gains these entities have derived from excluding employee representa­tion, staff associatio­ns or trade unions, they now risk devastatin­g loss to the firms themselves, to the workers and Jamaica from closure, even temporaril­y.

What about the initial two-day only, Wednesday and Saturday, shopping days ordered overnight in relation to the St Catherine lockdown? Would that have been the decision had local government representa­tives, supermarke­t owners, or food manufactur­ing and distributi­on companies been “at the table as these decisions are being considered”?

As it turned out, to his credit, the prime minister reversed this decision and is expanding opening days during the lockdown. But this reversal only came after ‘chaos’, much inconvenie­nce and incontrove­rtible experience convincing­ly establishe­d the incorrectn­ess of the initial decision.

I suggest that greater stakeholde­r engagement at the decision-making table, under appropriat­e conditions, might have generated a wiser decision with less cost in terms of chaos and inconvenie­nce.

Bad decisions, such as this, or another, such as the now reversed order that the media should only have access to St Catherine on Wednesday and Saturday and thereafter only on permission from the ground commander, often do not result from evil intent or ‘badmind’. Rather, they often derive from good intentions. But most of us, I believe, recall the saying ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions’.

Or as Chief Justice Bryan Sykes put it in his written opinion handed down in the NIDS judgment in November 2019:

“The road to state control of the lives of persons usually begins with small impercepti­ble steps. It is usually clothed in the garb of some perceived greater good such as national security, economic growth and the like. There begins one slight trespass and then another, and another and before long, the trespass becomes the norm and the right, the exception.” [Paragraph 143]

To be fair, the Government’s management of the COVID-19 crisis has not been exclusivel­y by the prime minister and the Cabinet. There are elements of inclusiven­ess. Among others, there is a broad-based advisory committee, the National Disaster Risk Management Council, the technical advisers at the Ministry of Health and Wellness, and most recently, the Parliament­ary Committee on COVID-19.

Of course, there are also the regular press briefings, but by and large, these are informativ­e but come either before or after decisions are considered and made. In that context, they function fairly well. However, I believe that with this spike in virus infections and, God forbid, a surge in COVID-19-related deaths, and the discussion of a national lockdown, there needs to be a strengthen­ing of stakeholde­r engagement, at the top and on the ground, “as momentous decisions are being considered”.


I would urge that three steps be taken urgently:

1. The National Partnershi­p Council be reconvened. Around the council table, chaired by the prime minister, sit Cabinet ministers and representa­tives of the Parliament­ary Opposition, the Private Sector Organisati­on of Jamaica, the Jamaica Manufactur­ers and Exporters Associatio­n, the Jamaica Chamber of

Commerce, the Umbrella Group of Churches, the Jamaica Confederat­ion of Trade Unions, civil-society groups, including representi­ng youth and women, and academia.

2. On the ground, I recommend a similar inclusive structure. Section 22 of the 2016 Local Governance Act provides for “participat­ion mechanisms” and states “each local authority shall ... establish and utilise appropriat­e mechanisms to facilitate participat­ion of and collaborat­ion or networking with all relevant stakeholde­rs which exist or operate within the area of its jurisdicti­on ... . Members of Parliament representi­ng constituen­cies within the area of its jurisdicti­on; parish developmen­t committees, developmen­t area committees, community developmen­t committees and other bodies or entities within the public, private and non-government­al sectors ... and any associatio­n of residence, businesses or other interested parties”. Their specific terms of reference would be to discuss and implement actions related to the COVID-19 crisis in an effective and orderly manner. 3.

The Parliament­ary Opposition needs to be more “at the table” in a fulsome fashion than is allowed by the Parliament­ary Select Committee. Perhaps this may take the form of past Vale Royal talks.

Interestin­gly, in a previous crisis caused by Hurricane Gilbert in September 1988, up until that point the biggest natural disaster emergency facing Jamaica, then Prime Minister Edward Seaga integrated the Opposition, which at the time was not even represente­d in Parliament, into government­al decision-making relating to the crisis.

I have it on impeccable authority from two leaders at the time from opposite sides of the aisle, on my inquiry a few days ago, who recalled “seeing Opposition members in and out of Jamaica House, which was effectivel­y the operation centre”.

COVID-19 now demands enhanced national and community decision-making going even beyond the Gilbert precedent.

Since this is indeed a war having to be fought by all the Jamaican people – green, orange, and no colour – against COVID19, would not good governance suggests a Government of National Unity for the duration of the crisis?

 ?? KENYON HEMANS/PHOTOGRAPH­ER ?? To his credit, the prime minister reversed this decision and is expanding opening days during the lockdown. But this reversal only came after ‘chaos’, much inconvenie­nce and incontrove­rtible experience convincing­ly establishe­d the incorrectn­ess of the initial decision.
KENYON HEMANS/PHOTOGRAPH­ER To his credit, the prime minister reversed this decision and is expanding opening days during the lockdown. But this reversal only came after ‘chaos’, much inconvenie­nce and incontrove­rtible experience convincing­ly establishe­d the incorrectn­ess of the initial decision.
 ??  ??

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