Jamaica Gleaner

When a nation prays



OUR NATION is facing a critical time in our history, and no one knows how this chapter will end. I do know, however, that as a nation and a people, we have a covenant with the Almighty that has spared us from many a disaster in the past: our national anthem.

Eternal Father, bless our land. Guard us with thy mighty hand. Keep us free from evil powers. Be our light through countless hours. To our leaders, great defender, Grant true wisdom from above. Justice, truth be ours forever. Jamaica, land we love.

Teach us true respect for all.

Stir response to duty’s call. Strengthen us the weak to cherish. Give us vision lest we perish. Knowledge send us, heavenly Father. Grant true wisdom from above. Justice, truth be ours forever. Jamaica, land we love.

This is the foundation of a covenant of favour upon our nation – a national anthem acknowledg­ing our dependence upon God as a people. We’ve often wondered how as a nation we escaped certain threats predicted by the experts, but God hears when a nation prays.


Our national anthem, by its very language and composure, assumes a posture of humility and submission to the Supreme Being. It acknowledg­es our mortal limitation­s and summons help from the Divine. It speaks to the recognitio­n of the fact that there is a power greater than that of mankind. It is a plea to be guided always by the hand of the Almighty. May we, as a people, reflect upon this covenant and revisit as a nation the godly posture which our anthem assumes.

The coronaviru­s is a pandemic but the power of corporate prayer extends even to global crises. I encourage our nation to come together in prayer as we navigate this crisis. Know that even as we practise social distancing, prayer itself is not subject to the limitation­s of distance.

Let us exercise the highest degree of diligence in protecting ourselves and our loved ones. Let us observe the instructio­ns of our Government and the Ministry of Health & Wellness as they lead in the fight against this virus.

And as we do so, let us pray for God’s mercy so that though the virus is present among us, lives will be spared. May we as a people experience the healing power of prayer in this season.

To our leaders, great defender, Grant true wisdom from above. Justice, truth be ours forever. Jamaica, land we love.

May the God of heaven hear our nation’s cry and heal our land. Amen.


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