Jamaica Gleaner

Lawmakers want Carter Center to observe Guyana’s election recount



A BIPARTISAN group of United States lawmakers on Tuesday expressed support for the recount exercise in Guyana and urged the authoritie­s on the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country to allow the US-based Carter Center to observe the event.

“We welcome the decision to initiate a vote recount in Guyana and reiterate our bipartisan commitment to supporting a fully transparen­t election process that reflects the will of the Guyanese people,” the lawmakers said in a joint statement.

Democrats Albio Sires, Gregory W. Meeks, and Sanford Bishop, joined Republican­s Francis Rooney, Jeff Duncan and Jenniffer GonzálezCo­lón in urging that The Carter Center, which was among regional and internatio­nal groups that observed the disputed March 2 regional and general elections polls, be allowed back into the country to observe the recount.

A three-member CARICOM team is observing the recount of the ballots which is into its seventh day. The Guyana Elections Commission had agreed to the recount after both the ruling coalition, A Partnershi­p for National Unity, and the main opposition People’s Progressiv­e Party/Civic claimed they were victorious in securing control of the 65-member National Assembly.

In their statement, the US lawmakers said they appreciate­d

“the vital role that CARICOM has played in advancing democratic principles in Guyana.

“At the same time, we urge the government of Guyana to allow the observatio­n team from The Carter Center and technical advisory team from the Internatio­nal Republican Institute to return to the country to join CARICOM in observing the recount process.

“We remain dedicated to ensuring that the Guyanese people are free to exercise their right to vote, that their votes are counted accurately, and that they are able to shape a democratic and prosperous future for their country,” they added.

 ??  ?? From left: Gregory W. Meeks, Sanford Bishop, Francis Rooney, Jeff Duncan, and Jenniffer González-Colón.
From left: Gregory W. Meeks, Sanford Bishop, Francis Rooney, Jeff Duncan, and Jenniffer González-Colón.

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