Jamaica Gleaner

Tensions mount as islanders protest against migrant influx

- Louise Michel, Louise Michel’s Louise Michel

THE ARRIVAL of hundreds of migrants crammed into a rickety fishing boat has worsened the severe overcrowdi­ng at shelters on a tiny Italian island, triggering an angry demonstrat­ion by islanders and a vow on Sunday by the mayor to call a protest strike.

While tensions grew on the Mediterran­ean island of Lampedusa, another migrant drama was reported. RAI state TV said a fire broke out on a small migrant boat off the coast of Calabria, on the mainland, just as the passengers were being transferre­d to an Italian military boat.

RAI said fuel on the migrant boat apparently caused a fire, then an explosion, and migrants ended up in the sea near Crotone. Crews from the Italian coast guard and customs boats rescued most of them, but six persons were missing, the state TV report said.

The Italian news agency LaPresse said about 20 migrants had been aboard the boat. Two customs police were reported injured.

Bathers at a beach near Crotone watched dark smoke pour out of the vessel a few kilometres offshore.

On Lampedusa, a migrant centre meant to house fewer than 200 was now crammed with 1,200 people after the latest arrivals, including several small boats with migrants that set out apparently from Tunisia and reached the island without needing rescue. Lampedusa Mayor Toto Martello expressed astonishme­nt that a fishing boat carrying 450 migrants managed to arrive within a few kilometres of the island without being noticed by military vessels or aircraft, including from the European Frontex mission, which is supposed to be fighting human traffickin­g in the central Mediterran­ean.


The Italian coast guard escorted the fishing vessel to port Saturday night, where Lampedusa residents staged a protest, with some lying down, yelling “Enough!”

“Last night was a sit-in, but I will call a strike” this week, with storekeepe­rs shuttering shops for a day on the island, which lives off tourism and fishing, Martello said. The strike is aimed “against a government which doesn’t have a strategy” to deal with migrants, he said.

A week earlier, citing concern over COVID-19 infections, Sicily’s governor ordered migrant processing centres on the large Mediterran­ean island to shut down. But the centre-left Italian government, which is in charge of migrant policy nationwide, went to court and the governor’s order was stayed, pending a hearing next month.

With so many migrants on Lampedusa, a Catholic parish stepped in to find housing for the latest several hundred arrivals.

Also reaching Lampedusa on Saturday were 49 migrants whom the Italian coast guard took from a dangerousl­y overcrowde­d rescue boat, the which took on so many people it couldn’t navigate. The operation is funded by street artist Banksy, who also painted the vessel a bright pink, including a life-saving buoy in the shape of a heart.

The was still at sea, as were other private rescue boats, appealing for permission from either Italy or Malta to disembark hundreds of migrants they collective­ly have aboard, many who have been stuck for days or weeks.

 ?? AP PHOTOS ?? The ‘Astral’, a rescue ship from the Spanish NGO Open Arms, and the ‘Louise Miche’l rescue vessel, a former French patrol boat currently manned by activists and funded by the renowned artist Banksy.
A boy waves from the deck of the ‘Louise Michel’ rescue vessel, a former French patrol boat currently manned by activists and funded by the renowned artist Banksy, in the Central Mediterran­ean Sea, 50 miles south from Lampedusa, Italy, on Friday, August 28.
AP PHOTOS The ‘Astral’, a rescue ship from the Spanish NGO Open Arms, and the ‘Louise Miche’l rescue vessel, a former French patrol boat currently manned by activists and funded by the renowned artist Banksy. A boy waves from the deck of the ‘Louise Michel’ rescue vessel, a former French patrol boat currently manned by activists and funded by the renowned artist Banksy, in the Central Mediterran­ean Sea, 50 miles south from Lampedusa, Italy, on Friday, August 28.

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