Jamaica Gleaner

Substance over hype



I HAVE sat back and watched the campaigns, the debates, and I have, simultaneo­usly, watched the reality unfold around me. The JLP advertisin­g is far, far better than that of their opponents, but they seem to have watched enough of their own ads to really start believing the hype themselves.

The fact is that most Jamaicans see abject poverty and not prosperity. Most go to bed with their windows and doors tightly locked certainly not wide open, as the JLP assured us we would be able to do. Most have lost further faith in the political system, seeing more and more broken promises in the last 55 months, where ‘Brogad’ and his gang seem to be the biggest beneficiar­ies of his own policies and promises.

COVID-19 cases are spiking as a result of government inaction, or action; crime is continuing unabated; the dollar is sliding with little or no comment from our Government; accused corrupt politician­s are still seated around the big table; all while Brogad continues to focus on his green Clarks and political hype to secure his second term in office.

I will cast my ballot tomorrow. I for one will vote for substance over style. If Brogad wins, as he is widely expected to do, I would ask that he start to lead us through these multiple crises, putting the lives of the Jamaican people over his own political life. That’s what leaders do, or, at least, what they should.


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