Jamaica Gleaner

What has been CARICOM’s foreign trade strategy and agenda?

- Elizabeth Morgan Elizabeth Morgan is a specialist in internatio­nal trade policy and internatio­nal politics. Email feedback to columns@gleanerjm.com .

ON FEBRUARY 20, 2019, my article in The Gleaner was titled ‘Needed: A CARICOM foreign trade strategy and agenda’. On September 2, 2020, I addressed ‘Jamaica’s trade performanc­e: Turbulence ahead’. This article was relevant to CARICOM generally. Last week, referring specifical­ly to Jamaica’s Cabinet appointmen­ts in foreign affairs and foreign trade, I pointed out that this may be the time for the region to review its foreign trade strategy and agenda as it determines requiremen­ts to stimulate its economic growth in this time of COVID-19.

While intra-regional trade is important, the bulk of CARICOM member states’ trade is with external partners. In 2019, CARICOM collective­ly imported an estimated US$36 billion in goods from the world and exported US$18 billion. The total value of goods trade within CARICOM, imports and exports, was US$7 billion.

So, what has been CARICOM’s foreign trade policy strategy?


This strategy, to gain market access in developed countries, has been based on trade and developmen­t concepts which emerged in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Developmen­t (UNCTAD) in the 1960s.

The first is non-reciprocit­y from GATT Part IV dealing with trade and developmen­t, which meant that developing countries were not required to participat­e in market liberalisa­tion in the GATT rounds of trade negotiatio­ns. The second, Special and Differenti­al Treatment (S&DT), resulted from UNCTAD’s Generalize­d System of Preference­s (GSP) by which developed countries provided non-reciprocal (one-way) market access to developing countries.

Applying the trade and developmen­t provisions in GATT and UNCTAD, CARICOM member states were implementi­ng a neomercant­ilist trade policy, as the aim was to have limited domestic liberalisa­tion of trade to external trade partners, while improving access to the markets of developed trading partners.

The European Community (EC) and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States negotiated the Lomé Convention­s (1975-2000), applying these developmen­t principles of nonrecipro­city and S&DT. This was continued in the trade arrangemen­ts with the USA and Canada which gave rise to the Caribbean Basin Initiative in 1983 and the Canada-Caribbean Trade Agreement in 1986.

Among CARICOM countries, in the 1980s, Jamaica particular­ly, under World Bank and IMF structural adjustment programmes, undertook unilateral trade liberalisa­tion by reducing tariffs, thus further opening the domestic market to extra-regional trade.

With the launch of the GATT Uruguay round of negotiatio­ns in 1986, there was a more aggressive move towards liberalisa­tion of global trade. Developing countries, including those in CARICOM, held to the principles of non-reciprocit­y and S&DT, aiming to protect their market access into developed countries, especially the EC, and protecting specific domestic production.

Market access in the EC would be challenged in GATT and its successor, the World Trade Organizati­on (WTO), starting with Latin American banana producers supported by the USA. This challenge would require the now European Union (EU) to propose negotiatin­g WTO-compatible regional Economic Partnershi­p Agreements (EPAs) with the ACP countries commencing in 2001.


At the same time, there was a further move to promote trade liberalisa­tion through negotiatin­g free-trade agreements (FTAs). The USA proposed negotiatin­g the hemispheri­c Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) agreement between 1998 and 2005. This period saw CARICOM engaging in other trade negotiatio­ns with the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba, and exploring negotiatio­ns with Central America and MERCOSUR. Other Latin American countries, for example, Chile, were interested in negotiatin­g with CARICOM. A schedule for negotiatio­ns was prepared. The FTAA would stall and be consigned to coldstorag­e. CARICOM’s policy for negotiatin­g these agreements remained centred on S&DT to meet developmen­t needs. In the FTAA, the idea of special treatment for small, vulnerable economies was introduced.

The EPA regional negotiatio­ns between the EU and the Caribbean (CARIFORUM) would conclude in 2008. This was a developmen­toriented agreement phasing in reciprocal market access for the EU.

CARICOM, in 2001, had proposed negotiatin­g an FTA with Canada, thinking it would be the template for a developmen­t-oriented agreement with the EU. The then Liberal Canadian government of Jean Chrétien, after explorator­y talks, did not issue the negotiatin­g mandate. This would not be forthcomin­g until 2007, when the Conservati­ve government of Stephen Harper came into office. These negotiatio­ns commenced in 2009. The CARIFORUM-EU EPA then became the template for these negotiatio­ns. The 2001 strategy had been upended.

At the multilater­al level, the WTO Doha ‘developmen­t’ round of negotiatio­ns was also launched in 2001. Developmen­t was to be at its core. Thus, S&DT and small, vulnerable economies were on board. With the Doha Round petering out and the advent of the Trump administra­tion in the USA, S&DT is under close scrutiny as a measure for reform.

CARICOM’s zeal for negotiatin­g FTAs waned after 2015 when the negotiatio­ns with Canada were suspended. The work programme has been limited to outstandin­g work on existing FTAs, such as those with Cuba, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic, and on continuing work in the WTO.

So, given the crisis created by COVID-19 and the situation with foreign and foreign trade policy at the bilateral, regional, hemispheri­c, and internatio­nal levels, it is time for CARICOM to assess the continued effectiven­ess of its developmen­t-oriented foreign trade strategy and resulting trade agreements to determine the way forward.

 ??  ?? While intra-regional trade is important, the bulk of CARICOM member states’ trade is with external partners.
While intra-regional trade is important, the bulk of CARICOM member states’ trade is with external partners.
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