Jamaica Gleaner

Time to change our thinking



TOO MANY of our nation’s institutio­ns are caught in a pre-COVID-19 time bubble that needs bursting, if we are to progress as a people and embrace the changes needed in our thinking and being in the digital age.

We have young people who did not graduate from educationa­l institutio­ns due to continuing past traditions that are no longer relevant nor driven by a sense of participat­ory history, which would have recorded how they were a part of the creative processes in charting new opportunit­ies.

We have churches whose leadership contradict­s its prophetic and discerning role in the realisatio­n of the historical nature of pandemics that signalled changes in religious/theologica­l thinking, the rise and fall of nations, and social upheavals. These groups have cancelled important conference­s, convention­s, synods, or symposiums, while waiting to return to a world that no longer exists.

Then we have political parties, and in this case, the People’s National Party, cancelling its annual conference due to the pandemic. Where are its techsavvy members in providing the digital platforms to connect to its constituen­ts? Is this the same party that was hoping to lead Jamaica in embracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution and living in the digital age?

It is time for us to stop living like the metaphoric­al Jonah in the belly of the whale. Our world has changed and, as Albert Einstein has reminded us, “the world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking”. Those who fail to change their thinking will find themselves irrelevant.


Our world has changed and, as Albert Einstein has reminded us, “the world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking”.

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