Jamaica Gleaner

Talkback Thursday


THE COVID-19 pandemic has been taking a toll on the emotions of many people. We asked followers of The Gleaner’s social media pages how they have been taking care of their mental health.

“Daily walks. Talking with friends and family. Meditation.”

– @jamvixen

“Now that I’m working from home, I’ve begun walking with a group of mostly ladies. But to be honest with you, I do not miss driving to and from work. I was always a homebody, so I’m not missing the streets.”

– @djvlowe

“I have been spending quality time with my two grandchild­ren and sharing as much as possible with my families and those who are less fortunate in my community. With every day, I get up with a purpose to help as much I can. I don’t have the time to sit around feeling depressed.”

– Debbie Ann Scott Lee

“The mental health is bad for my son, he is not working. He has two kids and bills to pay. I don’t know what to do.”

– Marcia Leiba

“Well, sometimes I get emotional and, on the other hand, frustrated, but with God all things is possible.”

– Sheena Wedderburn

“My mental health is so bad. Have to be taking ‘mad pills’.”

– Millie Mac

“For me, I try not to stress over anything despite being unemployed. I take walks, help my girls with online classes, and do my online hustle.”

– Pamella Knight

“Long walks and positive thinking.”

– Marjorie Coombs-Hanson

“In an effort to protect/ preserve my mental health during COVID, I’ve been talking to the people I want to talk to/ with, ignoring who should be ignored, getting exercise, good sleep, and practising deep breathing.”

– @ithoughtyo­uknew876

“Talk to myself, as usual. Try to stay focus spirituall­y, sleep, eat, watch films. I’m good.”

– @carly_mado22

“Read more inspiratio­nal book and talk to someone I trust about the situation, and pray without ceasing.”

– @seductive_lingerie_nation

“To be honest, I am stressed, depression, lack of sleep, emotionall­y wrecked. No job, bills to pay, children to maintain.”

– @tanisha_murray2

“My mental health will be in shambles during this threeweeke­nd lockdown. I have been working from home since this whole thing started, so I usually look forward to the weekends so I can relax and ease the stress. But seeing that I’m going to be stuck at home for three weeks, I honestly don’t know how I’m going to cope.”

– @la_dame_denniesa

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