Jamaica Gleaner

COVID-19 vaccine patents will kill Jamaicans



WE ARE living in a world of the haves and havenots, and it is a test of life and death. Vaccines, despite the risks in a very small number of jab recipients, are the surest way to protect against contractin­g COVID-19 in the short term. To date, 83 per cent of the jabs have gone to individual­s in middle to higher income countries. Many of the poorer countries, like those in the CARICOM region, might have to wait years to receive an adequate supply of vaccines to achieve a level of herd immunity and safety.

While a handful of vaccine manufactur­ers literally control the destiny of billions of lives, the situation at hand is for the manufactur­ers to put short-term profits aside, and put saving every human life possible to the forefront. Certain parties are already petitionin­g the World Trade Organizati­on (WTO) to pressure the vaccine manufactur­ers to set aside their intellectu­al property rights and let poorer countries manufactur­e the vaccine for local consumptio­n. India and South Africa are good examples. They have the ability to manufactur­e the vaccine and distribute it on a regional basis. Why can’t one manufactur­er, based in the CARICOM region – even Puerto Rica, once a key pharma research location – manufactur­e and distribute the vaccine?

To date, only 0.2 per cent of the vaccines have been administer­ed in lower-income countries, which includes Jamaica. The vaccine manufactur­ers are primarily servicing the countries in which they are based: the US, UK and the EU. Even in EU countries, the vaccine roll-out has been problemati­c. Until they sort out their own mess, contributi­ons to COVAX will suffer.

Put the profit incentive for manufactur­ers where it belongs: on innovation, not distributi­on. Pharma companies have traditiona­lly expended massive amounts of capital in research and developmen­t, hoping to recover that investment in manufactur­ing and distributi­on; hence the patent-protection process. The answer to address the needs of poorer countries during the pandemic with COVID-19 vaccine developmen­t is to turn that incentive around: the government should pay massive fees and success bonuses up front for research and developmen­t, and then compel those manufactur­ers to license their intellectu­al property on much broader and lower-cost basis.

Is it too late to do this? We’ve already witnessed, over the past five months, the virus metastasis­ing: a UK variant, one from Africa, and more to come. Viruses evolve to survive and spread. Whatever variant of COVID-19 we will have in the future, vaccine developmen­t will have to stay at least one year ahead. In the meantime, the developed and affluent nations need to open up ways to get vaccines to countries less fortunate. Stay safe, and mask up.


Author and Political Adviser Charleston, South Carolina

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