Jamaica Gleaner

Gadhafi’s son disqualifi­ed from running for president


LIBYA’S TOP electoral body on Wednesday disqualifi­ed the son and one-time heir apparent of the late dictator Moammar Gadhafi from running for president in elections to be held next month, citing his previous conviction­s.

The name of Seif al-Islam Gadhafi appeared on a list of ineligible candidates issued by the country’s High National Elections Committee. He can appeal the decision in court in the coming days.

Seif al-Islam had been sentenced to death by a Tripoli court in 2015 for using violence against protesters in a 2011 uprising against his father, but that ruling has since been called into question by Libya’s rival authoritie­s. He is also wanted by the Internatio­nal Criminal Court on charges of crimes against humanity related to the uprising.

Libya is set to hold the first round of presidenti­al elections on December 24, after years of UN-led attempts to usher in a more democratic future and end the country’s civil war. Adding to the concerns surroundin­g the election, the UN’s top envoy for Libya submitted his resignatio­n last week, though he said Wednesday he is prepared to stay on through the vote if needed.

Following the 2011 overthrow and killing of Moammar Gadhafi, oil-rich Libya spent most of the last decade split between rival government­s – one based in the capital, Tripoli, and the other in the eastern part of the country. Each side in the civil war has also had the support of mercenarie­s and foreign forces from Turkey, Russia and Syria and other regional powers.

The son of Libya’s former dictator submitted his candidacy papers in the southern town of Sabha on November 14. It was the first time in years that the 49-year-old, who earned a PhD at the London School of Economics, appeared in public.

He had been captured by fighters in the town of Zintan late in 2011, as the uprising ended his father’s rule after 40 years. Seif al-Islam was released in June 2017.

The announceme­nt of his possible candidacy stirred controvers­y across the divided country, where a number of other high-profile candidates have also emerged in recent weeks. Among them are powerful military commander Khalifa Hifter and the country’s interim prime minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah.

The long-awaited vote still faces challenges, including unresolved issues over laws governing the elections, and occasional infighting among armed groups. Other obstacles include the deep rift that remains between the country’s east and west and the presence of thousands of foreign fighters and troops.

Meanwhile, UN envoy Jan Kubis submitted his resignatio­n last week, though it didn’t become public until Tuesday.

The Geneva-based diplomat serves as both special envoy for Libya and head of the UN political mission in the country. He told the Security Council on Wednesday that he is leaving to facilitate a change he considers vital: moving the mission chief’s job to Tripoli to be on the ground at a highstakes moment for Libya.

The idea divided the council during discussion­s in September. Western countries embraced it; Russia rejected it.

Kubis added that he was ready to continue as special envoy through the election, though he said the UN had accepted his resignatio­n with a December 10 effective date.

 ?? AP ?? Seif al-Islam Gadhafi.
AP Seif al-Islam Gadhafi.

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