Jamaica Gleaner




9 Where the healthy bee is to be found?


10 As usual, the men do wrong and

there’s an apology (6,2)

12 Afraid to get married, for a start (4) 13 I went off key in it and that’s a pain!


14 It even may serve to conceal a

gullibilit­y (7)

15 How one enjoys something that’s

really great? (9)

17 Answered that reeds spread around a

source of water (9)

18 Taking a rum concoction into work

results in chaos (7)

20 Very keen to get the daughter into the

other conglomera­te (6)

21 Work on a large gem (4) 24 Understood to have been brought to

fruition (8)

26 Stand a drink to almost all the soft

drink drinkers (8)

28 The English translatio­n, say, is no

problem (4)

29 She is carrying a gun? Aha! (6) 31 Stops and delivers a reprimand (5,2) 34 A shopkeeper? Wrong: a mechanic (9) 36 Just so! (9)

38 For a semidetach­ed, it shows potential


39 It’s green with a red tip, boy (6) 40 Don’t include a single girl (4)

41 Too lazy to fillet? (4,4)

42 Royalty money (9)


1 But not one of the last people you’d

expect to win! (8)

2 Am following the rest: off to get water (6) 3 Important person you play roulette

with (3,5)

4 Heavens! Outside the pub looking

undernouri­shed! (6)

5 Seemed to be editor on a paper of

some kind (8)

6 Introduces to the family and forces to

realise (6,4)

7 An hour before noon it exploded in

Devon (7)

8 Are about to happen to the little

blighter at last (6)

11 Willingly again taking on the daily

grind (7)

16 Back on the dole, silly twit! (6) 19 Goes round to get the angling

equipment (5)

20 Name your weapon (3)

22 Laughter coming from the belfry? (5) 23 Pass fib on to dog (6)

25 Doesn’t use Braille music? (5-5)

26 A drink that has character, we’re told (3) 27 With super new business coming in, makes good the losses (7)

30 For ‘pastry’, go to the next page (8) 31 Keep quiet and hold back (8) 32 Getting a piano and a group of singers

is high-priority (8)

33 Plunged through it, I had, when it split (7) 35 Over-repetitive – frightfull­y! (3-3) 36 Long and badly cut T-shirt (6) 37 Beginning with the ring – the ring I

had reset (6)

 ?? ??

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