Jamaica Gleaner

More than 60% of unwanted pregnancie­s end in abortion – report

- Judana Murphy/Gleaner Writer judana.murphy@gleanerjm.com

GOVERNMENT­S HAVE been urged to make health services more comprehens­ive in a bid to reduce unintended or unplanned pregnancie­s, including the extension of greater social protection as a safety net for those vulnerable to poverty.

The warning comes amid ferment in the United States over the looming prospect that the landmark Roe v Wade federal law might be overturned and as women lawmakers in Jamaica press for an amended abortion law.

More than 60 per cent of unintended pregnancie­s end in abortion and an estimated 45 per cent of all abortions are unsafe, causing five to 13 per cent of all maternal deaths, according to State of the World Population 2022 report published by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

Between 2015 and 2019, there were roughly 121 million unintended pregnancie­s each year – nearly half of pregnancie­s worldwide.

UNFPA outlined that sexual and reproducti­ve health services should address issues ranging from sexually transmitte­d infection (STI) prevention, prenatal care to maternity care, prevention of stigma and violence, and respect for bodily autonomy.

“Contracept­ion is one of the most obvious areas for investment in reproducti­ve health and rights. Globally, an estimated 257 million women who want to avoid pregnancy are not using safe, modern methods of contracept­ion, and of them, 172 million women are using no method at all,” a section of the report read.


UNFPA outlined that a range of other factors contribute to unintended pregnancie­s, which include a lack of sexual and reproducti­ve healthcare and informatio­n, harmful norms and stigma surroundin­g women controllin­g their own fer tility and bodies, sexual violence and reproducti­ve coercion, poverty and stalled economic developmen­t, and gender inequality.

“The toll of these pregnancie­s is – and has long been – unseen. Though we can estimate healthcare costs, monitor school dropout rates, and project levels of workforce attrition due to unintended pregnancie­s, these only scratch the surface,” the report said.

The “comprehens­ive package” of health services proposed should be free from mandated parental or spousal notificati­on or consent, the UNFPA said.

“They can signal their openness to adolescent­s by rebranding from family planning to contracept­ive services, given that many adolescent­s and young people do not identify with the idea of planning a family,”UNFPA said in the 160-page report.

The agency added that contracept­ive services themselves must be comprehens­ive, including screening for pregnancy intentions, counsellin­g around options, side effects and other potential consequenc­es – insertion, removal, replacemen­t or reinsertio­n of longacting reversible contracept­ives or other contracept­ive devices, as well as regular follow-up that includes a prompt response to women who want to change methods.

UNFPA said that the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrat­ed that many women do not have social protection, even where schemes exist, for reasons that include their disproport­ionate share of unpaid work at home and concentrat­ion in poor quality or poorly paid informal jobs.

“Universal social protection schemes provide a powerful opportunit­y to reduce the multiple vulnerabil­ities that can lead to unintended pregnancie­s by closing gaps in income as well as education and healthcare,” the report said.

Beyond reducing gaps in income, UNFPA said social protection programmes can adopt tools specific to contracept­ive access, such as vouchers for services.

UNFPA also urged government­s to examine how well contracept­ive services are funded and whether they have been identified as essential health services that must be sustained under all contingenc­ies.

“The agency of women and girls is devalued when sexual and reproducti­ve informatio­n and services are not fully supported and prioritise­d. This was evident during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, when contracept­ive services were among the most extensivel­y disrupted healthcare services,” the United Nations agency said.

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