Jamaica Gleaner

The benefits of MORNING WORKOUTS

- Emma Anius/Contributo­r Emma Anius is an online personal trainer for Wake up to Workout.

‘When you exercise your body releases endorphins, and serotonin, which are the ‘happy hormones’, boosting your mood and giving you feelings of euphoria. This translates to a positive way to start the morning, you’ll also feel a sense of accomplish­ment, giving you an optimistic outlook for the rest of the day.’

DO YOU hate the sound of your alarm clock going off? Is coffee the only thing that makes dealing with people in the morning tolerable? Does the thought of waking up early to workout sound like a new form or torture?

When it comes to exercise, the best time of day to get in a workout session is one that you can do consistent­ly. However, what if I tell you waking up in the morning to exercise can change your entire outlook on mornings, while adding a multitude of other benefits to your day?

Not only do you get it out of the way, which gives you the rest of the day to enjoy, without the fear of a last-minute meeting or commitment derailing your workout plans, but it makes you feel happier.

When you exercise your body releases endorphins, and serotonin, which are the ‘happy hormones’, boosting your mood and giving you feelings of euphoria. This translates to a positive way to start the morning, you’ll also feel a sense of accomplish­ment, giving you an optimistic outlook for the rest of the day.

A good morning sweat also helps you to make healthier choices throughout the day, studies have linked early-morning workouts to healthier food choices – this is because you have already establish a healthy mindset, which makes you more mindful of what you eat during the day. So the next time you are on your lunch break and have a choice between a healthy salad and a greasy cheese burger – let your morning workout guide you.


To go along with your new healthy diet, it may be time to rethink your crippling coffee addiction. If you’re an avid coffee drinker, and you rely on that shot of espresso to get you energised, you may want to ditch the cappuccino for some cardio. Exercise is a great way to give you a much-needed boost of energy for the morning. Not only does exercise keep you feeling energised it also reduces feelings of fatigue. This is because when you work out, oxygen and nutrients travel to your heart and lungs which improves your cardiovasc­ular system, endurance, and overall stamina, allowing you to last for longer throughout the day without needing a pick-me-up. Along with your new-found energy, AM workouts may even help you get that much deserved promotion, studies have shown that morning exercise improves attention, visual learning, and decision-making. Although physical activity improves focus and concentrat­ion, regardless of when you do it, if you have trouble focusing in the morning, an early workout could solve all your problems by allowing you to be more focused and productive during the early hours while at work.

Morning workouts not only help you feel happier and be more productive throughout the day, they can also help you at night. If you normally have trouble sleeping, getting in an early workout may be just the cure. Studies have shown morning exercise not only improves the length of sleep you will enjoy, but also your quality of sleep by promoting deeper sleep cycles. After an early-morning pump, your body will enjoy a healthy sense of fatigue by the end of the day and will be ready to sleep. Say goodbye to those nights you lay away trying to count sheep to no avail.

When it comes down to if should you wake up and workout or not, there are clear benefits, so it is time to grab your phone, set your alarm for 30 minutes earlier, and enjoy all the benefits waking up and working out has to offer.

If you’re not sure where to start, follow this week’s workout below to start your exercise journey with The Gleaner.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS ?? Jack punches are the perfect way to get in extra cardio.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS Jack punches are the perfect way to get in extra cardio.
 ?? ?? Up downs, also called the up-down plank, targets the arm muscles as well as the core.
Up downs, also called the up-down plank, targets the arm muscles as well as the core.
 ?? ?? Spit power lunges strengthen and build your legs and glutes.
Spit power lunges strengthen and build your legs and glutes.

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