Jamaica Gleaner

Dear Commission­er Blake

- Garth A. Rattray is a medical doctor with a family practice. Send feedback to columns@gleanerjm.com and garthrattr­ay@gmail.com

DEAR COMMISSION­ER Blake. Like many other citizens, I am deeply troubled by the scourges of indiscipli­ne, violence, crime, corruption, and unaccounta­bility that continue to wreak havoc in our nation. Obviously, the causes of these plagues are multiple, and therefore there is no single or simple answer. Perhaps unfairly, the solution to many of our woes is heavily dependent on good policing.

I have absolutely no reservatio­ns in publicly stating that I am a huge fan of the constabula­ry. Perhaps it is because, as a child, my parents respected and looked up to the police. We were always told to seek out the police if ever we were lost or encountere­d problems. And perhaps I admire the constabula­ry because physicians and cops have similar jobs … to serve, protect and reassure. Physicians and the police also engage in ‘detective work’ to solve problems. The awesome responsibi­lity of the well-being and lives of people are in our hands.


One of the saddest days of my entire life was several years ago when I was forced to argue with a cop for a traffic stop. Although I was not speeding, a sergeant of police on the North-South (luxury) Highway signalled me to stop. It was heartbreak­ing to be remonstrat­ing with a uniformed officer of the Jamaica Constabula­ry Force (JCF) over a wrongful stop.

After I drove away, I contacted a police source and discovered that those policemen were not assigned to highway duty. They ‘borrowed’ a regular police unit and (mis) used their power to extort many motorists.

And, several years ago, I was stopped by a young constable in Half-Way Tree. He ordered me to exit the vehicle and told me that he was only stopping me for “… a drink money”!

Although I did not comply in either case, for most victims of police extortion, it is cheaper, simpler, and saves points and time to pay the corrupt cops a few thousand dollars and be on their way… and the rogue cops know this. In fact, several road users tell me that they travel with ‘police money’ to pay in case they are stopped.

Some police carry out corrupt activities in a variety of ways. In the past, policemen on duty at the Norman Manley Internatio­nal Airport were known to claim that the armoury had no space for the pistols of people about to board an aircraft, and that the passenger had to go back home and miss his/her flight. However, space would be created after a ‘fee’ was paid.

A long time ago, someone stole property from my office. I reported it to the nearby police station. That thief was never apprehende­d but the detective often found his way to my office to beg for lunch money. I had a very good friend who owned and operated a business. Sometimes when I visited with him, I would see a police car pull up. Several police were collecting money from him and assured him that they were keeping a special eye on him and his business. Yet, none of those several patrol cars were anywhere in sight when the don (that he refused to pay) sent his thugs to blow him away.


Some intelligen­t citizens sincerely believe that 90 per cent of the Force is corrupt. Although I can’t believe that, I know that there are too many rotten apples in the barrel. People complain of not being able to trust the police with vital informatio­n. In other instances, people assert that cases are sometimes compromise­d by corrupt police. I believe this because I had a complaint against a popular cop and the file mysterious­ly disappeare­d. Although I restarted the process, the corrupt system never brought that cop to book.

Policemen and policewome­n represent the constabula­ry. Anything that they do reflects on the JCF. The activities of corrupt cops cause many citizens to disrespect and distrust the entire constabula­ry and this seriously undermines all crime-fighting efforts. We often see social media video clips of citizens engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the police because they do not respect them and refuse to obey their orders.

Sir, our citizens need people to look up to. They need people that they can respect and trust. The JCF is in the unique position to earn the respect and trust of Jamaicans, but it must get rid of corruption, it must lead by example. It is my fervent belief that we will not significan­tly reduced crime unless our society is one of order and discipline everywhere. Those who are inclined to commit crimes will rethink their plans if they see citizens obeying the laws, respecting the police, and behaving in an orderly fashion.

I note your achievemen­ts, your Master of Science in Computer-Based Management Informatio­n Systems from the Faculty of Social Sciences from the University of the West Indies (Mona), your vaunted “analytical acumen and strategic foresight”, and the high expectatio­n that, through your leadership of the JCF, Jamaica will see a “safer and more prosperous future for all its citizens”.

But Commission­er Blake, all the cerebral policing in the world, all the brilliance at the helm, all the increased patrolling, operations and strategic planning will fail to produce the necessary results if your best efforts are diluted, and thwarted by the crooked cops who undermine the police force.

I hope that you will focus significan­t attention on this persistent and evergrowin­g problem of crooked cops within the JCF.

 ?? ?? Garth Rattray
Garth Rattray

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