Jamaica Gleaner

Noise Abatement Act seems all bark and no bite



I WRITE this letter even while my neighbour’s music is blaring. I have reached the point where I have learnt to tune it out. It has been a constant problem since they decided to open a bar; and despite my many attempts at dialogue, the noise nuisance continues unabated.

I have made numerous calls to the Mandeville Police Station and have only had them respond once. I took the time to review the legislatio­n and found that even with the increased penalties, the law is skewed in favour of my neighbours, since they can legally play upon any noisy instrument and have it audible up to 100 metres; a considerab­le distance if we consider that the music they choose to play, in accordance with their freedom of expression as guaranteed by our bill of rights, clashes sharply with the preference for quiet and peace of mind many like myself prefer.

I have spoken to a few people about my dilemma and the problem is a common one, especially given the recent normalisat­ion of work-fromhome arrangemen­ts, particular­ly among BPO companies. one that requires amendment to the principal act and more robust enforcemen­t to have any effect.

Through my ad hoc research, I have concluded that most bar owners and operators believe that loud music and bars go together, and that the spirit licence (in the few i nstances where they have one) is also a licence to play music.

The Government needs to consider the following:

– Reducing the permissibl­e distance to a figure which would require that any noise be kept confined to the premises it originates from.

– Restrict the locations where bars can be legally operated, i.e., not within 500 metres (about 1640.42 ft) of any residentia­l area.

– Give the police the powers to seize equipment from habitual offenders.

While I understand the economic role these establishm­ents play i n our communitie­s, I do not believe one man’s livelihood should be at the expense of others’ peace of mind.


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