Jamaica Gleaner

TO OUR GUIDING LIGHTS, Happy Teacher's Day!

- Caitlon Clayton/Features Writer

“A person’s most useful asset is not a head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen, and a hand willing to help.” – Unknown author

WHILE TEACHERS’ Day traditiona­lly honours classroom teachers, it is important that we shine a light on the unsung heroes behind the scenes who play a vital role not only in the educationa­l system, but also in the lives of students – guidance counsellor­s.

Guidance counsellor­s provide comprehens­ive support to students, addressing their academic, social, emotional, and personal needs. They play an important role in fostering students’ holistic developmen­t by assisting them in navigating academic challenges, personal struggles, and life changes.

Jamaica’s education system has faced numerous challenges over the years, but the events that have occurred since the return of face-to-face teaching following the COVID-19 pandemic raise concerns about the mental and physical wellbeing of students.

As a result, the role of guidance counsellor­s in promoting mental wellness and providing support cannot be overstated because they offer a safe space for students to express their feelings, seek guidance, and access resources for mental health care. They also facilitate conflict resolution sessions, peer mediation, and peer counsellin­g activities, promoting a culture of understand­ing, empathy, and respect among students.

They empower students to resolve conflicts peacefully and build positive relationsh­ips, which is something that is needed now more than ever both inside and outside of the classroom.

Additional­ly, guidance counsellor­s create and carry out preventive programmes on a range of subjects, including conflict resolution, substance abuse awareness, and bullying prevention. They step in during emergencie­s, offering students in need prompt assistance and referrals.

Teachers also gain from guidance counsellor­s’ assistance, proving that their role as a support system extends beyond students. They offer advice and resources to teachers, helping them address student behaviour issues, classroom management challenges, and other concerns that may arise. They collaborat­e with teachers to create a positive learning environmen­t that promotes student success.

On a broad scope, guidance counsellor­s collaborat­e with teachers, parents, community organisati­ons, and mental health profession­als to provide comprehens­ive support to students. They serve as liaisons between the school and the community, advocating for the healthy well-being of both students and teachers.

On this Teachers’ Day it is important for us to acknowledg­e the dedication and compassion that can be seen in our guidance counsellor­s. They are integral members of the education team who work tirelessly to support the academic, social and emotional well-being of students. By highlighti­ng the role of guidance counsellor­s, we honour their commitment to empowering students and shaping our country’s future generation­s.

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