The Star (Jamaica)

Santa gets celeb gifts wrong


Sometimes, Santa leaves scars, by way of kid-coveted gifts that never landed under the tree.

And sometimes, the big guy in the red suit just gets it wrong. Ask Will Smith.

“My sister got the Easy-Bake Oven instead of me,” he said promoting his movie Collateral Beauty.

“I don’t know why they don’t give boys Easy-Bake Ovens, you know? Boys should be able to cook stuff, so that was actually a tragedy from my youth, that my sister got the Easy-Bake Oven and I didn’t,” Smith joked.

For Jennifer Aniston, who co-stars in Office Christmas Party, the elusive holiday gift of Christmas Past amounted to Barbie denied. Or at least part of Barbie.

“The Barbie head,” she said. To which co-star Jason Bateman wondered on a red carpet: “Just the head?”

“Yeah, the bust. Remember? The hair could grow. You could pull out the hair and then you could cut it. Paint make-up on it,” she explained.

Actress Lily Collins was also in the Barbie struggle.

“I wanted a Barbie Jeep. I never got my Barbie Jeep,” she said.

For funnyman Keegan-Michael Key, it was more like the big fish that got away.

“Oh, God. I wanted a Great Dane so bad but we lived in a small house,” he recalled. “They would have had to feed that thing more than me and my brother.”

Composer and music producer Hans Zimmer found a silver lining. He said he wanted a synthesise­r but knew there’s no way any parent would go and give that to their child because they were expensive.

“And so when I finally was able to earn the money to give it to myself, that was still in those moments where everybody was saying to me, ‘When are you going to get a real job?’ I think the greatest thing about not getting the gift was to be able to earn the gift myself and doing something with it,” Zimmer said.

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Jennifer Aniston
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Will Smith

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