The Star (Jamaica)

Wheelchair user wants to try hand at music


Romaine Copeland has dreams of becoming a reggae artiste. As an aspiring singer, he draws his inspiratio­n from a selector friend.

“I had a cousin that told me to freestyle songs with him. People in the community heard us and liked it, so they encouraged me to do it. They told me that I could be a good entertaine­r one day,” said Copeland, who uses a wheelchair to move around.

In his hopes to put himself in the spotlight for the nation to see, Copeland, who lives in Ewarton, St Catherine, is appealing to the public for help in buying a critical part for his motorised chair.

“I would like the public to help me please to buy the black box that helps my chair to move.”

Copeland told THE STAR that he would have a better chance of doing something that he loves, which is music, if his mobility is enhanced.


Copeland was born with a rare disease which causes his limbs to be abnormally small. He said that things were different when he was younger.

“As a young yute, I could walk. I lost my ability to walk around eight years old,” Copeland said.

The doctors were not able to tell Copeland what happened to him and from then he has been in a wheelchair.

At age 23, Copeland lives with his disabled mother and is a beneficiar­y under the poor-relief scheme – the Programme of Advancemen­t Through Health and Education (PATH). He said that despite his disability, he wants to pursue his dream of becoming a reggae artiste.

He said that if his wheelchair is repaired he would be able to put himself in a better position for producers to see him, and, hopefully, listen to his lyrics.

To contact Romaine Copeland you may call 370-1785.

 ??  ?? Romaine Copeland's limbs are abnormally small. He wants to become a reggae artiste and feels his dream can be realised if is mobile wheelchair is repaired.
Romaine Copeland's limbs are abnormally small. He wants to become a reggae artiste and feels his dream can be realised if is mobile wheelchair is repaired.

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