The Star (Jamaica)



Listen nuh. Monday morning gone, I witnessed another glaring example of the seemingly small things that we need to fix fast if we want to make a big difference in curbing lawlessnes­s and indiscipli­ne in our country. As I stood in line at the Western Union outlet on Old Hope Road, a man behind me started using his cell phone to take photos of the board that posted the daily foreign currency exchange rates. The security officer on duty walked up to him, and in an unthreaten­ing and profession­al tone of voice, gently informed the man that taking pictures of the board is prohibited. Well, in typical Jamaican macho bad man style, the man flipped!


He started out by instantly insulting and unfairly accusing the security officer. Yep, he styled him as ‘security bwoy’, and accused him of abusing his authority, while aggressive­ly demanding to know what’s wrong with taking a picture. Without losing his cool, without responding to the unprovoked insult or the unwarrante­d accusation, the officer quietly informed the man that taking photograph­s of the board is against the company’s polices. But it didn’t make a difference. The ‘cross and angry’ train had already left the station and was now vociferous­ly thundering down the track. The man went on and on with a loud, threatenin­g tirade of profane protestati­ons. He indirectly intimated violent intentions, asserting that the security officer can only use or carry gun ‘in yah so’. And he went for all the terms frequently used in tracing matches to put down people or diminish their character. So, yuh know, the humble security guard was repeatedly referred to as a part of the female genitalia, dismissive­ly denounced as a ‘bow cat’ and causticall­y condemned by that derogatory descriptio­n of male homosexual­s. The enraged customer even expanded the Jamaican list of nasty names by describing the security officer as a ‘john-crow inna jacket!’

I’ve said it before in this space; too many of us Jamaicans have a ‘DNA’ problem. D for defiant, N for negative and A for angry! And that man was a prime exemplar of that DNA at its worst. He was riotously rude, arrogantly abusive and definitely disrespect­ful. It was ugly, and it was uncalled for. Before I left, I made of point of offering a word of encouragem­ent to the security officer. And I’m praying that the angry man finds some peace. Join me nuh!

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