The Star (Jamaica)

My boyfriend is not too bright


Dear Pastor, I live in the US. I went to Jamaica in January for my grandfathe­r’s funeral and met this wonderful man.

I then went back in February because I wanted to get to really know him better. I am a profession­al woman and he does not have much of an education.

We are very much in love and would like to get married one day. The problem is that he is younger than I am and I have a big problem with this. Everyone always tell me that I look much younger than my age, but that really does not ease my mind. Pastor, he has limited education and I feel that I can deal with this, but I am wondering if later this will be a problem. T.S. Dear T.S., Some women marry younger men. It is easier to deal with that than to deal with an illiterate man. Some men are illiterate but don’t know it.

Some are willing to return to school while others are quite satisfied with sweeping the street, and no one can get them to see that they need to become literate.

Very often, guys promise women that after they are married they will return to school, but never do. And every time the women correct their mistakes, the men say, “You are showing off on me.”

Don’t make hasty decisions. Weigh this matter carefully and ask yourself these questions: How would this man enhance my standard of living? What type of contributi­on can he make in my life? After you have had the answers, make your decision.


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