The Star (Jamaica)

Three friends pregnant for the same man


Dear Pastor, Special good day to you. I have been reading your column and I have gained knowledge from it. I wish I had known what I know now when I was growing up and attending high school.

I am 18 years old and I am pregnant. Two of my girlfriend­s are also pregnant for the same guy. He is very proud of it. All three of us had sex with him. He was very friendly with us.

He had access to his father’s car. When he didn’t drive his father’s car, he drove another car and told us that it belonged to his boss. This guy loves to sing. He is very handsome and each of us wanted him.

My parents don’t love him at all and they say I must not carry the baby. When I told him that I can’t carry the baby, he said I must not destroy his child.

Pastor, I didn’t even know that I was pregnant. It is a man who sells by the road side who called me and asked me how come I looked so different. I had missed my period but didn’t consider that.

I told my schoolmate that I didn’t see my period and she told me that it looked like she was pregnant. When all three of us reasoned together we realised that it is the same guy that got all of us pregnant.

I like this guy to my heart. He was my first boyfriend. He said if we abort the babies, he would let everybody know that we are murderers. I want to do medicine, so I can’t carry this baby.

I am writing you for your advice, but I know you are not going to agree with me for aborting my pregnancy, but I still want to know how you feel.


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