The Star (Jamaica)

Siblings won’t help me to take care of our sick mom


Dear Pastor, I am a 26-year-old male who got baptised at the age of 13, yet I must admit that there are times when I do things that are not approved in the Lord’s sight, and I am trying very hard to stop. I left high school with six CSEC, three City & Guilds and one NCTVET Certificat­e in general office administra­tion. I attended the University College of the Caribbean (now University of the Commonweal­th Caribbean) to pursue a bachelor’s degree in business Administra­tion, yet I have to pause because of lack of funds to complete the studies.

My mother was self-employed; she used to sell clothes. She was mother and father for me because my dad hardly supports me, especially when I was in high school. If it was him only, I would have left without any subjects. My mother had to war and persuade him to pay the fees, which he did not want to do. Right now, she is unable to do her selling because she got hit by a car in December 2014 and broke her right foot. Up to this day, she is at home, unable to go out, and she is also sick with stomach and kidney problems. The driver of the car is from St Catherine, and since his car hit her, he Dear J.H, I regret hearing about the accident which you say has caused your mother to suffer from a broken leg. You say that the driver of the vehicle has not given her much help. But, you did not mention anything about your mother getting any help from the insurance only bought the pin and otherwise refuses to take the responsibi­lity. He company who covered the vehicle. What is needed for your mother is to retain a lawyer to look after her interest. This caused me to wonder whether the vehicle was insured. I hope that the accident was reported. It must be very tough on your mother. constantly ignores her calls and refuses to pay her any mind.

It is a shame that your siblings are not giving your mother much help. They ought to rally around her and see to it that justice is done from the insurance company or companies. I am sorry that you have had to stop attending university, but I want to tell you that things don’t always go as planned all the

I play the music keyboard, and so far, this is what I have to do to survive and to take care of my mother, ensuring that she has food every day. Her other two sons hardly give her anything. The older one does welding, and only now and then he brings money to give her. The other one plays drum, but he is very lazy and does not want to do anything. I am the only one having to feed her every day. At times, I don’t make much off the music, yet I still ensure that she is fed.

I am currently seeking a job. I have a physical disability. I cannot lift heavy load. I sent out applicatio­ns time after time and haven’t gotten any response up to this day. I would like to get an office work, such as a front-desk assistant, receptioni­st, etc, in order to fend for myself and my mother, and I would like to get assistance to return to school and complete my studies.

If you find anyone who is willing to offer me a job and/or assist me in my schooling, you can contact me. I also want you to pray for my mother that she recovers from sickness and that her broken foot becomes healed.

J.H. time. You are young. You can always resume doing so in the future. Taking a break will not hurt you. You are doing the correct thing by seeking a job, and I hope that the good Lord will provide that for you. It may not happen immediatel­y, but it will.


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