The Star (Jamaica)

Cancer patient needs surgery to remove tumour


Two months ago Kishaunna Kenton felt a tingling in her head but said she had no idea that its cause would be life-threatenin­g.

With tear-filled eyes, the 39-year old stated that she is seeking the public’s assistance in raising $250,000 to undergo an operation to remove a cancerous tumour from her brain.

“I have a seven-month-old baby and I want her to know me as her mother and take care of her. I don’t like to beg, but I am really in a desperate situation. I never once thought I would get cancer, but here I am. Four months ago, I thought my health was perfect, but now here I am with this dilemma,” Kenton said.

Kenton, who hails from Claremont, St Ann, said that when she began to feel the tingling, she didn’t think much of it; but neverthele­ss, she decided to visit a doctor.

“I kept feeling like something was in... biting me in my head and after a while, I couldn’t take it anymore. So I went to the doctor and he sent me to do a brain scan because they had seen a mass growing in my head; so they sent me to do a MRI,” she said.

Kenton said that last week, she got the devastatin­g news that she has a cancerous tumour growing in her brain which urgently needs to be removed.

The doctors have said that the earliest possible date is Thursday, but Kenton said that she doesn’t have the first dollar.

“It is by far the worst news I have ever got in my life. I don’t have money to pay for that operation. I used to work but after my illness, I had to stop because the pain in my head was really bad. I used up the money that I had on medical bills, so now I don’t know where the first cent is coming from,” she said.

“I am just asking anyone who can help me to just do what they can please. No matter how small it is, I will appreciate it ,” she added.

Anyone wishing to assist Kenton may contact her at 876-407-6306 or 876-879-7582.

 ??  ?? Kishaunna Kenton explains the pain that she has been living with.
Kishaunna Kenton explains the pain that she has been living with.

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