The Star (Jamaica)

Teen murdered in St Thomas


St Thomas recorded its 12th murder yesterday following a domestic dispute, allegedly over a piece of sugar cane. The deceased, Ranaldo Morgan, 17, also known as Jevaughney, of the Knightsvil­le community, was allegedly stabbed in his neck by a relative, who is now in police custody.

Reports are that about 3:30 p.m., Morgan’s sister was eating a piece of cane in the yard when the relative approached her and started a quarrel about the cane.

Morgan, who was also in the yard, was alerted to the dispute by his sister.

It is reported that an argument developed between Morgan and his relative during which the relative used a knife to stab him in the neck.

The teenager was assisted by passers-by to the Princess Margaret Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

The relative, who fled the scene, was later picked up by a team from the Yallahs Police Station.

“I was on my way from work when we saw the youth running with his hands on his neck. The person I was travelling with bawl out and seh, ‘See him need help, please stop’,” said the motorist who took Morgan to hospital. “When I stopped, I realised that he was losing a lot of blood and that a woman was trying to hold a towel there to stop the bleeding, but it neva did a help.”

The motorist continued: “When we put him in the vehicle, only him likkle sister come in the car to come with me to the hospital, suh mi seh an adult has to come too and a man jumped in. Don’t know his relation to the yute. By the time we reach bout Botany Bay, the lady I was travelling with seh it look like him dead now, enuh.”

 ?? VOICE PHOTO ?? Leon Clunis
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