The Star (Jamaica)

My mother had sex beside me on the bed


Dear Pastor,

I live with my stepfather and my mother. I am 18 years old. I used to sleep in the same bedroom as my mother when this man was visiting. My stepfather started coming around when I was 14. I remember an occasion when this man came on the bed when I was laying down with my mother. She took her pillow and both of them went on the floor. I heard my mother and this man carrying on, and I knew what was going on.

One day I asked my mother if he didn’t have anywhere for him to take her and she said no. Pastor, he came to the house another night when I was not sleeping. He and my mother had sex right on the same bed with me. I called my father and asked him if I could come and live with him and he asked me why. I told him I was not comfortabl­e living with my mother anymore. He spoke to my mother and she told him he should take me if he has space, so I went to live with my father.

However, my mother came back for me two weeks later because she said she thought about it and shouldn’t put me out of her house because of a man. She left her boyfriend and found a man twice her age. They are now married. I have my own room and I am very happy.

This man tells everybody that I am his daughter. I have a boyfriend and whenever he comes to visit me, I tell him to conduct himself as a gentleman in my father’s house. My mother has apologised to me for making her boyfriend make love to her on the bed I was sleeping on. I told my mother I don’t hold that against her, and I am glad I am back with her.

I never told my father what made me want to live with him. He asked me if my mother’s boyfriend tried to abuse me and I told him no, it was nothing like that. I could not let down my mother. I know she was just looking for help. Now she is getting all the help she needs.


Dear E.,

I am glad that your mother got out of the situation in which she found herself. You are old enough to know that your mother and this man should not be sleeping on the same bed with you and having sex.

Your mother was ashamed of the situation and she tried to get out of it after you left. You did not embarrass your mother by telling your father everything; however, your mother is in a better position right now, and so are you.

You are 18 years old, try to get yourself a good education. I wish you well.


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