The Star (Jamaica)

Your Daily Horoscope



(March 21 to April 19)

Be careful of spending more than you can afford to spend. Your money is best saved for a rainy day or put toward items that have practical uses.


(April 20 to May 20)

You feel like you’re between a rock and a hard place when it comes to your work life versus your family life. Doing something fun can alleviate stress.


(May 21 to June 20)

With your nervous system on overload, you’re pushed to take a break from all the commotion around you. Staying home or taking a social media break can help.


(June 21 to July 22)

It’s abundantly clear that you’re no longer in alignment with a certain group or community you belong to. It’s time to go out and connect with more like-minded people.


(July 23 to Aug 22)

Be mindful of taking on extra responsibi­lity today, especially if others aren’t doing their fair share. Your time is valuable too.


(Aug 23 to Sept 22)

Try not to get too discourage­d if it feels like you’re not exactly where you want to be. Your time is coming. For now, do something nice for yourself.


(Sept 23 to Oct 22)

You’re not feeling like the social butterfly that you usually are. That’s OK. It’s better that you step back and focus more on yourself anyway.


(Oct 23 to Nov 21) Dealing with others could be difficult today, as someone might try to pull you into their emotional drama. You don’t have to oblige them. Detach from the situation.


(Nov 22 to Dec 21)

You could have one too many things going on today, making it necessary to better prioritize your time. Taking things off your to-do list might be necessary.


(Dec 22 to Jan 19)

If a romantic connection fizzles out, try not to take it too personally. There are plenty more romantic options out there for you. Stay optimistic.


(Jan 20 to Feb 18)

Your heart might be heavy today. If so, try not to shove your feelings aside. Take the time to tend to your emotional well-being.


(Feb. 19 to March 20)

If you’re feeling like you’re spinning your wheels in terms of your goals, talking to someone you love could give you the encouragem­ent you need.


You’re a one-of-a-kind individual. Not usually comfortabl­e with following the likes of the crowd, you set out to leave your own unique stamp on whatever it is you do. As an agent of change, you possess the determinat­ion and the kind of forward-thinking attitude needed to help make the world a better place, especially when it comes to helping or advocating for others.

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