The Star (Jamaica)


Cross Word Puzzle



3. Before you seek a loan _____ your existing debt and income

4. Your credit score helps to get a loan based on your likelihood to _____ the loan on time

6. If you have an outstandin­g balance on your credit card, you will pay this

8. To avoid overspendi­ng, you can set a daily _____ on your credit card

9. Your credit score is based on your _____ history of managing loans

11. Tardy payments and overdue balance will drag _____ your credit score

12. Your credit _____ is how much credit you have available to spend


1. Pay your credit card bill early and in full to avoid _____ fees and high interest

2. Some credit cards offer travel miles and cash back. What are those?

5. Credit cards are good for _____ your credit score

7. The lowest payment that can be made on a credit card is called the _____ payment

10. APR means _____ percentage rate

11. Avoid over-indebtedne­ss, by managing your _____ repayments wisely

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