The Japan News by The Yomiuri Shimbun

Can Kono dispel the blackness of Kasumigase­ki’s work environmen­t?

- YUKIKO ISHIKAWA Ishikawa is a staff writer in the Political News Department of The Yomiuri Shimbun.

“Black company” is a term used in Japan to describe a business that abuses its employees, especially through chronic overwork. It’s not just a private-sector problem. Even the Japanese government bureaucrac­y has been described as a “black work environmen­t.”

Can Taro Kono, the minister in charge of civil service reform, dispel the darkness that has long enveloped workers in Kasumigase­ki?

Kasumigase­ki is a district in Tokyo that is home to many central government o ces, but the name also refers to the entire national bureaucrac­y. Although the primary job of Kasumigase­ki bureaucrat­s is implementi­ng policy, they must also prepare dra s of answers for the prime minister and cabinet ministers to use in Diet committee meetings. Long working hours that frequently stretch late into the night have become the norm. e “blackening of Kasumigase­ki” is progressin­g.

According to the Cabinet Bureau of Personnel A airs, the number of career o cials in their 20s who resigned for personal reasons in scal 2019 was 86, four times as many as in scal 2013. In addition, according to a survey of national civil servants last scal year, one in seven young male employees and one in nine female employees were contemplat­ing resignatio­n. Also, the number of university students aspiring to work as bureaucrat­s is decreasing.

Preparing dra s of answers is one of the biggest causes of long working hours. Bureaucrat­s in charge of liaising with the Diet ask legislator­s about the content of likely questions and then allocate the questions to relevant department­s for the formulatio­n of dra answers. Although the ruling and opposition parties agree that ministries and agencies are to be given notice of questions “no later than noon two days before the plenary session or committee meeting,” there are many cases in which this standard is not followed.

According to a survey by the Cabinet Bureau of Personnel A airs, the average time for notice to be given at ministries and agencies during the 2020 extraordin­ary Diet session was 6:46 p.m. the day before. is is well a er the o cial 6:15 p.m. end of standard working hours. More than 60% of the cases were a er 6:15 p.m., and nearly 40% were a er 8 p.m. Since the preparatio­n of the dra s begins from this point, it is inevitable for bureaucrat­s to work from the middle of the night to early morning.

When extraordin­ary incidents such as the coronaviru­s pandemic or the crisis in Ukraine occur, the ministries and agencies in charge must be on duty 24 hours a day. Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine at the end of February, the Foreign Ministry confronted a surge of work to implement economic sanctions and protect Japanese nationals. On March 8, Hideki Uyama, then director of the European A airs Bureau in charge of Russia and Ukraine, emphasized the harsh reality at the House of Councillor­s Committee on Foreign A airs and Defense, saying,

“Since Japan is trying hard to introduce further sanctions on Russia in rapid succession, we are working without sleep or rest.”

Moreover, Kasumigase­ki is o en rocked by the government’s sudden policy changes. On Aug. 10, for example, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida abruptly reshu ed his Cabinet — upending widespread expectatio­ns that the reshuf

e would take place in September. is move, coming just a few days before the summer Obon holidays, caused dejection among bureaucrat­s. As it was obvious that ministries and agencies would become extremely busy brie ng the new ministers on their duties a er the reshuf

e, many bureaucrat­s had no choice but to give up their summer holidays.

In this kind of job, it is inevitable to work overtime or on days o . According to a Cabinet Bureau of Personnel Affairs survey two years ago on the working styles of about 50,000 government employees, about 30% of career-track bureaucrat­s in their 20s were working more than 80 hours of overtime per month, a level regarded as “the karoshi line,” referring to the literal risk of death from overwork.

A Japanese government o cial formerly stationed in Britain recalls that even during the Iraq War, most of the lights at the Ministry of Defense in Whitehall — the Kasumigase­ki of London — were turned o at around 6 p.m. “e longer the war was prolonged, the more I realized that it is impossible to force the sta to work without taking a rest. It was surprising to me that even in the midst of war they are encouraged to work rationally in the U.K.,” he said.

In August this year, a minister who is determined to reform the situation took a seat in the Cabinet once again. Taro Kono was appointed as the minister in charge of civil service reform for the

third time. He expressed a sense of crisis at a Sept. 20 press conference at the Japan Press Club.

“In Kasumigase­ki, there’s more than just a sign of collapse. e collapse has already begun. We must work hard to retain excellent human resources and to make Kasumigase­ki a ‘white’ work environmen­t.”

Last year, Kono already achieved some improvemen­t in Kasumigase­ki during his second term as minister: He changed the long-neglected practice of “unpaid overtime” so that overtime pay is now likelier to be commensura­te with the overtime hours actually worked.

is year, he got o to a fast start immediatel­y a er taking o ce for the third time. In a Sept. 30 blog post, he revealed that he had given instructio­ns to all ministries and agencies that they should consider sta ’s overtime pay even when they are working from home.

is spring, a review team of eight people in their 30s from the National Personnel Authority and the Cabinet Bureau of Personnel A airs compiled a proposal for Kasumigase­ki reform and handed it to the president of the National Personnel Authority and the then minister in charge of civil service reform. e proposal advocates reforms such as 360-degree personnel evaluation­s and new commitment­s with the Diet to handle the dra ing of answers more smoothly.

e title of the proposal is “Aiming for Colorful Public Service.” Let’s see what color Kono’s latest e orts can bring to Kasumigase­ki in the near future. (Nov. 12)

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 ?? The Yomiuri Shimbun ?? Taro Kono expresses his desire to tackle personnel management issues after being appointed as minister in charge of civil service reform in August.
The Yomiuri Shimbun Taro Kono expresses his desire to tackle personnel management issues after being appointed as minister in charge of civil service reform in August.

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