
100 Words about Favourite Places

- Columnist Saule Sergazinov­a | Photo courtesy of authors, Shuttersto­ck

‘Nothing helps you to discover the world and widen your horizons like travel’, says Hollywood movie star, Charlize Theron. These stories from our tengri readers are all about discoverin­g new countries and finding favourite places in the world.

Aidana Dzholdybay­eva political scientist

I have dedicated my

100 words to a swiftly developing city: the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Your first visit will be enough to make you fall in love with this city for the rest of your life. Kuala Lumpur is the confluence of many cultures. As you stroll down the street you might meet a super-fashionabl­e Chinese lady, a young Malay girl in a hijab or a graceful Indian woman wearing a sari. Kuala Lumpur is a city that never sleeps. If you are hungry in the middle of the night then street food, mamak, is always available. If you want to party, the doors of the Changkat district are always open.

You don’t need to take my word for it, you must come and see it all for yourself.

Rashidin Abd Rashid chef

As a chef I often travel to eat, and Barcelona is one of my favourite destinatio­ns. Spanish cuisine fascinates me: unlike pan-Asian culinary tradition, here fish and seafood are simply served with lemon juice. I also appreciate local vegetables for their aroma and flavour. My day begins with breakfast at La Boqueria food market. At lunchtime you might find me at El Nacional, which offers eight gastronomi­c areas (meat brasserie, oyster bar, etc.) My picks for dinner include Bar Cañete (delicious tapas at a very long counter). Botafumeir­o (exquisite seafood) or the Michelin starred Hoja Santa. I was impressed by the Mexican molecular gastronomy created by its chef, Paco Méndez.

Anastasia Zaletskaya editor and journalist

I have only been to Mauritius once so far – and I say ‘once’ because I fell so hopelessly in love with this island that I will definitely come back. The first thing I faced when I arrived was the injustice of it all. Why do some countries get windswept steppes or everlastin­g cold while everything that is best in existence on our planet is concentrat­ed here, on this blessed island? The ocean is azure blue and tranquil, protected from waves and the sharp-toothed inhabitant­s of the Indian Ocean by its coral reefs; inland the landscape is tremendous, with mountains, luxuriant tropical vegetation and rolling hills. However, the people are probably the most amazing feature of Mauritius. The Dutch ruled here for a long time, then the French and then the English. All this has given the island a rich history and led to the peaceful, friendly and relaxed co-existence of Catholicis­m, Hinduism and other religious traditions. It is a heavenly place.

Jonathan Damiani Ph.D., professor

New York is by far my favourite place. Having spent a significan­t amount of time travelling through Europe and Asia, and having lived abroad for 8 of my 38 years, I can honestly say that nothing in my experience remotely compares to the diversity and sophistica­tion of New York. Not Tokyo, London, Paris, or San Francisco (all places that I love) have the magic or energy of New York. Of all the cities that I have called home or visited New York is the one that makes me feel the proudest and most powerful.

Sarah Chenevier-Tardy president

My favourite city is Toulouse in the south west of France. This is where I earned my degree in agricultur­al science, where I got married and where my parents are still living. Toulouse, la ville rose, is the prettiest at sundown, when the pink bricks of the buildings reflect the light and the warmth of the day.

Just before flying back to Almaty, I like to go to the Marché Victor Hugo. On the ground floor I buy confit de canard and other local products. On the first floor there are plenty of bistros. I choose the ‘menu du jour’ with the appropriat­e wine. It is very informal, but the quality of the food is fantastic!

Manon Cassara consultant

The region of Provence is the place where I am energised, my worries melt away and I feel totally myself. I try to get there as often as I can, and each time I take pictures of scenes where time seems to stand still. Now I have a collection of pictures from all seasons, and all of them are completely different. The art de vivre is something we tend to neglect when we work hard and live intensely – I just love this place that reminds me life is too short not to appreciate simple things. Have a break, take life easier and stay for a while in Provence.

Yekaterina Butorina entreprene­u

Every summer I try to spend at least a few days in Nyon, a charming town located 30 minutes’ drive from Geneva. This city embodies the measured and cultural life that we associate with Switzerlan­d. My favourite museums here include Nyon Castle and the Roman Museum with its artefacts from the time of Julius Caesar. I adore O’ Les Terrasses restaurant with its views of Lake Geneva. Not far from here, on hot days, I take sailing lessons at the port de Nyon. The open-air, Olympic-sized swimming pool at Colovray with views out over the lake will charm anyone who enjoys swimming. The historic side-wheel paddle steamers of the Zulzer Company set off from the quay towards Geneva and the French town of Yvoire, just as they have for the last 100 years.

 ??  ?? Toulouse Тулуза
Toulouse Тулуза
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? New York Нью-Йорк
New York Нью-Йорк
 ??  ?? Mauritius Маврикий
Mauritius Маврикий
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Barcelona Барселона
Barcelona Барселона
 ??  ?? Kuala Lumpur Куала-Лумпур
Kuala Lumpur Куала-Лумпур
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Nyon Ньон
Nyon Ньон
 ??  ?? Provence Прованс
Provence Прованс
 ??  ??

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