
A leading role


“My main role in life is to lead.

This fact has emerged through all my interests and my work. I think it was destined to be like this. I used to laugh at reincarnat­ion experts who told me what I used to be in past lives – a shoemaker, shipbuilde­r and navigator on a ship – but now I realise that it all makes sense. I remember times when I could easily have repaired the whole family’s shoes, especially when I was young in the

1960s. Life was hard for everyone then, new shoes were too expensive and I became skilled at repairing old ones. No one taught me, I just knew how to do it. I have always had excellent building skills and I made all the furniture at home and in our summer dacha. I have also built three dachas. But most often I have been a navigator, a person that leads, on television, radio, the stage and in lecture halls for students.

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