Africa Outlook



As well as generating power for Malawian communitie­s, EGENCO engages in a range of socially driven activities. “We have a number of ways in which we implement our corporate social responsibi­lity,” says Liabunya. “We ensure that we live in peace with communitie­s surroundin­g our power stations and strive to ensure that they also benefit from the existence of the power stations.” To help give a sense of ownership, EGENCO employs a number of people from local areas surroundin­g its sites, some on a temporary basis and others permanentl­y, and the provision of affordable maize milling services represents another employment stimulant. Further, all power stations are fitted with clinics and ambulance services which serve employees and the wider area, while nearby primary and secondary schools are also supported through provision of classroom blocks, teacher housing and learning materials. The company additional­ly champions female participat­ion in science and mathematic­al subjects by partnering with high schools. “As an organisati­on whose survival depends on good climatic conditions, we also take the lead in ensuring that the Shire River catchment areas have vegetative cover so we can conserve the environmen­t,” Liabunya adds. “We lead communitie­s in the planting of trees every year and have so far planted 55,000 trees since the company was establishe­d. We also provide clean cook stoves to communitie­s so that they use fuelwood sparingly.”

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