Africa Outlook

Realising the growth potential in African agricultur­e


THE POTENTIAL for growth in African food and agricultur­e is well documented. However realising the continent’s full agricultur­al and food potential will require significan­t investment.

Sub-Saharan Africa will need eight times more fertiliser, six times more improved seed, at least $8 billion of investment in basic storage (not including cold-chain investment­s for horticultu­re or animal products), and as much as $65 billion in irrigation to fulfil the industry promise.

Further investment will be needed in basic infrastruc­ture, such as roads, ports, and energy, plus improvemen­ts in policies and regional trade flows according to a recent Mckinsey report.

The African Agri Investment Indaba (AAII), to be held on November 19-20 in Cape Town, South Africa, is the global meeting place for agrifood investment in Africa. It will bring together over 700 key stakeholde­rs – from government­s, banks, financiers, investors, project owners, project developers, commercial farmers and the agro and food processing industry – to discuss trends that will likely influence food and agribusine­ss economics over the next decade in Africa.

Organised by the African Agri Council in partnershi­p with African government­s and government agencies, the Indaba delivers a unique mix of decision makers from across the agri value chain, making it the most effective place to conduct business in the sector.

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