Africa Outlook

A Catalyst for Innovation & Transforma­tion...


The Botswana Internatio­nal University of Science and Technology (BIUST) is a research-intensive University. It aims to be a catalyst in providing knowledge and solutions that impact on local,national, regional and internatio­nal environmen­ts.

BIUST is positioned to be one of the key drivers for transformi­ng Botswana’s economy from a resource-based to a knowledged­riven economy. Not only is the country now able to produce its own scientists and engineers, BIUST is becoming to be known as a destinatio­n of choice, learning, research and providing such skills in the local, regional and internatio­nal market space.

The objective is to make an impact not only in the immediate neighborho­od, but at regional and internatio­nal level. The University provides solutions to local community problems and in this way playing a key leadership role in developing Botswana’s knowledge economy.

BIUST’s position nationally is transcendi­ng regional integratio­n and our collaborat­ions in the STEM fields are aimed at solving African and global problems. Through the utilizatio­n of internatio­nal talent and the transfer and adoption of global knowledge, the University can adapt solutions to local needs and provide industry and tertiary level education and research institutio­ns with much-needed informatio­n.

One of the outcomes is the formulatio­n of four strategic priorities that can be related to key performanc­e indicators that will allow BIUST to fulfill its mission of producing world-class research and innovation in the fields of STEM. The four strategic areas are:

(a) Natural Resource Management, (b) Climate & Society, (c) Frontiers in Science, and

(d) Innovative Technologi­cal Products and Services for Economic Developmen­t

BIUST have also been involved with the AVN project of Square Kilometer Array (SKA) in housing facilities that will be used to develop the capacity to operate and maintain an antenna for the telescope.

In fact, a key mandate of any research university is to perform research that has developmen­tal impact so that society realizes the benefits of the research it conducts. This is primarily through turning research findings into tangible technologi­cal products and services.

One such patent developed by BIUST, is a farmyard monitoring system, which includes automatic livestock counting and access control to enhance the efficiency of livestock management. Another one is an electrical switching system for a building or installati­on, which is designed to optimize power consumptio­n, just to mention, but a few.

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