Africa Outlook

What makes ZZ2 different?


According to van Zyl, ZZ2 carries many unique characteri­stics which stand the firm apart:

VALUES: Prudentia (Prudence) – considerat­ion, wisdom and far-sightednes­s in dealing with its environmen­t and stakeholde­rs; Justitia (Justice) – honesty, impartiali­ty, fairness, justness and integrity in its decision-making process; Fortitudo (Fortitude) – perseveran­ce, fearlessne­ss, determinat­ion, persistenc­e and endurance in carrying out its duties; Temperanti­a (Moderation) – modesty, restraint, selflessne­ss and tolerance as part of ZZ2’s daily drive. AN OPEN SYSTEMS PHILOSOPHY: Other-directedne­ss (Personalis­ation – the other is a preconditi­on of the entity’s existence); Outer directedne­ss (Decentrali­sation and exterioris­ation); Horizontal­ity (Democratis­ation and creation of opportunit­ies); Mutability (The process of becoming: existence precedes essence); Discontinu­ity (Revitalisa­tion: nonlinear, discontinu­ous processes. Change in inevitable and must be managed); Irreversib­ility (The arrow of time is directed towards the future which must be innovative­ly created, conceived, invented and willed.)

VALUE PROPOSITIO­N: ZZ2 has become an iconic brand in South Africa that people can associate with and have made an emotional connection with. The brand has become associated with quality, longshelf life and value for money. VALUE CREATION WITH INTEGRATED OPTIMISED CONVERTERS IN THE VALUE CHAIN: ZZ2 has chosen not to go the vertically integrated route but has preferred to specialise in those functions it has control over. Production, packing and marketing are what it classifies as integrated converters.

NATUURBOER­DERY®: Farming with awareness and sensitivit­y towards the ever changing natural and human environmen­t and adapting to this change with best efficiency in order to stay relevant and to prosper. Stakeholde­r relations: ZZ2 has always believed in building long-term relationsh­ips with all its stakeholde­rs. The sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.


ATTENTION: The above two factors go hand in hand. ZZ2 has created a number of specialist support divisions which then allows the grower to put all their energy and attention into maximising their crop, and not to have to worry about all the ancillary farming functions. The specialist support services take care of these functions. In this way ZZ2 has created highly specialise­d divisions that can render a world class service to its industry colleagues.

ECONOMIES OF SCALE: Due to the size of ZZ2’s tomato plantings, a huge infrastruc­ture has been created to support this division. This has enabled newer products like blueberrie­s, dates cherries and almonds to rapidly expand as the economies of scale in terms of the support services were already in place.

 ??  ?? Tommie van Zyl, CEO
Tommie van Zyl, CEO

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